In this article, I will provide ongoing updates about the progress in the fight against Dorset Police. Dorset Police is breaking the law and procedures. They discriminate against and harass crime victims while protecting offenders. They fabricate evidence, lie in official reports, and manufacture charges. You can find the entire history of this fight against Dorset Police in my previous articles on the subject:

Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (

Table of Contents

12-09-2023 S:


Good afternoon, 

I am just sending this email regarding the extension of your bail date.

The new bail date is now 04/10/2023. 

I have tried to call and left you a voicemail. I have also sent a copy of the letter to the address we have down for you at 918D Wimborne Road.

Any queries, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

30-09-2023 S:

Bail conditions – 55230098162


I have had confirmation that your new bail date is 24/12/2023 in order for outstanding enquiries to be completed.

If CPS come back to us earlier with a decision, we may be able to bring this forward.

I will send you a letter with all the information on.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

17-10-2023 S: TAA-83860-23-5555-01

Your recent submission

Thank you for completing the form, your reference is: TAA-83860-23-5555-01.

This is the receipt code for your report.

Please note: this is not a crime reference number.

What happens next?

We’ll investigate your report based on the information you’ve provided and aim to get back to you within 5 days or sooner, either with a crime reference number or, if we can’t take action, an explanation as to why and further advice.

​We won’t call you unless we need more information, to clarify something in your report or if there might be an opportunity to collect forensic evidence.

For security reasons we haven’t emailed your report to you. 

What happens after you report a crime and how to get support

Find out what happens after you’ve reported a crime, including investigation steps or why something may not be investigated.

Find out about your rights under the Victims’ Code of Practice and what support is available for victims and witnesses.

Tell us what you think of our online reporting service

Feedback on your experience of using our online services genuinely helps us to make sure they work as well as possible for people in your situation.

If you have a couple of minutes, please complete a quick feedback survey.

Notice – This email may be confidential and is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please notify us and delete it from your system and to avoid incurring legal liabilities, you must not distribute or copy the information in this email without the permission of the sender.

The communication systems used by us are monitored to the extent permitted by law. Consequently, any email may be read by monitoring staff. The security of this email cannot be guaranteed. Email messages are routinely scanned but malicious software infection and corruption of content can still occur during transmission over the Internet.

PC Emma Chubb claims that simultaneous investigations cannot be conducted against me and against my ex, whereas Inspector Chris Bradford #0318, during a phone conversation with me on July 21, 2024, stated that this is a lie and that both investigations should be conducted concurrently. I have a recording of that phone conversation.

11-11-2023 S:


Hi Andrzej,

I just wanted to clarify a few bits in relation to our call earlier – the matter that you previously reported has actually been filed by the original investigating officer. As I mentioned as you are currently under investigation in relation to another matter we cannot investigate a counter-accusation whilst this is the case.

As such once the current investigation has been concluded then if you wish to pursue a complaint against your ex-partner then the original investigating officer can take these details.

Kind regards

Emma CHUBBPolice Constable 817Territorial Policing – Bournemouth East & Christchurch – B Squad Tel: 101Email:      

17-11-2023 S:


Good afternoon,

This is an email to make you aware that your bail date has been brought forward from 24/12/2023 to 08/12/2023 to appear at POOLE POLICE STATION at 1530hours.

I have left a voicemail to make you aware, and along with this email, will also send a letter with the details.

Any queries, please get in touch.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

Officer Rose Pratt sent a letter via Royal Mail containing my sensitive information (full name, date of birth, home address, information about my arrest and bail. It also contains information about the offences I allegedly committed according to Dorset Police.) to random individuals at the wrong address. I do not live, nor have I ever lived, at 91D Wimborne Road.

21-11-2023 S:

Bail Information

Good afternoon, 

Please see attached a document regarding your bail date. I have attempted to call you, but have left a voicemail as there was no answer.

Any queries, please let me know. I will also send a copy of this to 91D Wimborne Road.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

08-12-2023 08:20 S:

Bail extension

Good morning, 

Attached is a copy of your BAIL EXTENSION. Due to not hearing back yet from CPS, your bail return has been extended to 20/01/2024.


I have not been able to make contact via phone but have copied in your legal representative who may be able to make contact.

Any queries, please get in touch. 

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

10-12-2023 R:


Nurse from the NHS, with the help of the police, is destroying a local business.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I cordially greet you and turn to you with a request for assistance, as for the past six months, I have felt ignored by the Dorset Police and Officer Rose Pratt (badge number 0105). Until now, I believed that the police should provide help to victims of violence, but instead, my life, the lives of my three daughters, and my business have been destroyed. Since June 24, 2023, I have been unjustly accused of domestic violence. Despite being the victim, I was arrested, detained, and overnight evicted from my home and workplace (I worked from home) with no possibility of return.

Despite presenting all the evidence of my innocence during a meeting with Officer Rose Pratt and even though my ex-partner admitted to the police that she had struck me and broken my nose, and despite having a witness and evidence in the form of photos of my broken nose, I was thrown out of my home. As a result, I lost the ability to earn money, practically killing my business. My daughters are suffering due to financial difficulties, as I struggle to pay child maintenance.

I founded Phones Rescue Ltd in 2018. It cost me a lot of hard work and sacrifices to build what I managed to achieve. Towards the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, followed by a complete economic lockdown and very high energy prices. To survive, I took out a loan and decided to temporarily move the company to my home. Due to the incompetence of the Dorset Police, especially OIC Rose Pratt, whose decision to evict me from my home resulted in the loss of my source of income, I have been unable to repay the loan for six months. I fear that in the coming weeks, I will be forced to declare bankruptcy for the company. This will not only ruin my life but also the lives of my three daughters.

Simply analysing my ex-partner’s statements reveals a clear contradiction in her testimonies. Officer Rose Pratt and her subordinates have not spoken to the crucial witnesses, my neighbours, in six months. On December 8, 2023, I was supposed to report to the Police in Poole. I took a day off and went to the Poole Police Station. Upon arrival, I discovered that my bail had been extended. Officer Rose Pratt emailed me about this on the SAME DAY at 08:20. I did not check my emails that morning as I was preparing documents for the meeting with Officer Rose Pratt. She did not call me or leave a voicemail informing me that my bail had been extended. Despite my current financial problems, due to Officer Pratt’s incompetence, I lost another day of work. This is unacceptable. Officer Pratt provided me with a document stating that my bail has been extended until January 20, 2024.

I have dozens of photos, messages, and documents proving her lies and abuse towards me. However, Officer Rose Pratt does not appear to have any interest in looking at them.

On December 24, 2023, six months will have passed since the commencement of my bail. According to the law (Under the Police, Crime Sentencing and Court Act 2022), bail exceeding six months should be approved by a Superintendent. However, the document I received is signed only by OIC Constable Rose Pratt 0105 and Officer Granting Sergeant Steven Boston 1783.

There are many falsehoods about me in the police reports:

Officer Simon Shaw 1720 wrote: “The suspect previously ignored Police advice to leave the property and not return.” This is untrue. The officer who came to the initial intervention only suggested that I take a bike ride for an hour and return, as my ex-partner was in a rage, hoping that she would calm down during that time. Bodycams worn by the police officers can serve as evidence of this. The police report from this incident states: “At this time, based on what has been said, there was no lawful power to prevent the male party from returning to the address.”

Officer Sarah Dutton 1985 wrote in the report: “Suspect was arrested yesterday – occ 55230098162 relates – where he had pushed his ex-partner after a verbal DA earlier in the evening.” This is a complete falsehood.

My ex-partner ignores court decisions:

1.       Unlawfully, she contacted the operator of my SIM card and demanded the deactivation of my number. During the first court hearing, the Judge ordered her to unblock my number. My number was unblocked, but after a few days, it was blocked and deactivated again. Only after my intervention, a few days later, was it unblocked.

2.       By the court’s decision on July 24, 2023, my ex-partner was obliged to submit her statement by August 4, 2023, which she failed to do. She sent her statement on August 7, 2023, only after my intervention.

3.       Until September 1, 2023, my ex-partner had the opportunity to respond to my statement, which she did not take. However, during the second hearing in court, she asked the judge for permission to write a response to my statement. The judge asked if I had any objections, to which I expressed my concerns that my ex-partner might include new falsehoods and information in her statement to which I would not have the opportunity to respond. In response, the judge assured me that according to the law, my ex-partner could not include any new information in her response to my statement. Upon receiving her statement, it turned out that my ex-partner once again disregarded the court’s orders and included new information, which I mentioned for the first time during the second court hearing and had never included in my testimonies or statements before.

In the challenging times of the Covid epidemic, after lockdowns and high energy costs, I tried to save my company, Phones Rescue Ltd. At the urging of my ex-partner, I decided to build a summer house in the garden next to our house and temporarily move the company there to avoid paying rent for the premises in Boscombe and get back on my feet. When I built the summer house, investing around £15,000 and a year and a half of my life, my partner decided to call the police, accusing me of domestic violence. Not only was it not enough for my ex-partner to unlawfully evict me from the house, but she is also requesting:

– I need the respondent to pay for or contribute to repairs or maintenance to the home

– I need the respondent to pay for or contribute to the rent or mortgage

– I need the use of the furniture or other household contents

From the information I have gathered, it appears that upon arriving in England, my ex-partner has been in four relationships, each lasting over a year, and ALL these relationships ended with police intervention. I am concerned that from false accusations made by her against her partners, my ex-partner has found a way to make money. This is scandalous, especially considering that she is a nurse working for the NHS at Poole Hospital. If it works for you, I would like to obtain information about which officers handled my ex-partner’s previous cases against her partners.

As a victim of both physical and psychological domestic violence, I am reaching out to you for help as I feel powerless and ignored by the Dorset Police. Officer Rose Pratt seems incompetent, unwilling to fulfil her job role, and completely disregarding obvious facts. I kindly ask you to review the attached document, which includes excerpts from statements by my ex-partner, myself, and police reports. The police were handed her admission to assaulting me, my statements, and mutually contradictory testimonies from my ex-partner, clearly indicating that her story is fabricated. Despite this, Officer Rose Prat decided to destroy my life. I am not surprised that Bournemouth, a beautiful city, is dying, considering that the Dorset Police, instead of supporting victims of violence, are destroying their lives, their businesses, and the lives of their families.


Andrzej Majewski

Owner of Phones Rescue Ltd

and father of three daughters.

12-12-2023 12:09 S:

RE: Nurse from the NHS, with the help of the police, is destroying a local business.

Dear Mr Majewski

Thank you for copying the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner into your email regarding the difficulties you have been experiencing relating to an accusation of Domestic Abuse and the ongoing investigation.

The Commissioner cannot become involved in operational matters, but he does hold the Chief Constable to account for delivering an effective and efficient police service.  The Commissioner is truly passionate about fulfilling the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan, which includes fighting violent crime and high harm.  He expects the victim’s voice to be listened to, and for crime reporting to be easy.  I have read your correspondence carefully and I am saddened to hear of the situation you have outlined, and the difficulty you have had with gaining an appropriate police response, which is not in keeping with the Commissioner’s expectations.

The reporting and investigation of crime, and complaints, are operational matters which require the direct attention of Dorset Police so I have copied the Complaints and Misconduct Unit into this reply to you for their review.  The complaints process is in line with national guidance and by making a formal complaint, your concerns will be documented and investigated.  In the meantime, I have attached a link here, for your information and reference, outlining the complaints process – Complaints | Dorset Police.  Once the investigation is concluded, hopefully that will address all of the matters that you have raised, however, if you are unhappy about the outcome of your complaint, or the way it was handled, you can apply for a ‘right of review’.

Whilst a complaint against Dorset Police is live, the Commissioner is not authorised to become involved, as his office oversees the right of review process.

In relation to support available for you and your family, I would recommend contacting Victim Support as they are able to offer a comprehensive package of support and advice for victims of crime.  I attach a link here for you with the information – Dorset – Victim Support.

I hope the above information and links are helpful to you going forward.

Yours sincerely


Nicola Senior | Contact Officer

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner | Force Headquarters | Winfrith | Dorset | DT2 8DZ
E: | T: 01202 229084


17-12-2023 14:03



Negligence by Dorset Police has pushed a local company to the brink of bankruptcy.

I am reaching out to you with a request for help because for almost six months, I have felt ignored by Dorset Police. I am a victim of both physical and psychological domestic violence. In November 2021, my then-partner attacked me without any reason, breaking my nose simply because I pointed out a minor medical issue where she was mistaken. Since she was studying nursing at that time, she felt that I had no right to point out her mistakes. I did not report the incident to the police at that time because I was simply ashamed, and until the end of our relationship, I hoped that things would improve.

However, my partner never stopped engaging in domestic violence. While the situations were not as severe as the initial attack, pushing and verbal abuse became almost daily occurrences. Additionally, domestic abuse included the control of my location using the Life 360 application. When I objected to this and uninstalled the app, my partner repeatedly sent me persistent invitations to install the application. I have evidence in the form of screenshots of these invitations. When I refused to install the application, my partner became aggressive. She also coerced her son into sending me invitations to the app on several occasions, and I have evidence of this in the form of screenshots.

Furthermore, my partner attempted to track my location by sending me an invitation to join the Microsoft Family Safety on March 18, 2023, and I have evidence of this in the form of emails.

One of the functions of this application is […] Find you on map, when you have a compatible phone. […]

At the request of my partner, I transferred my private phone number from Lycamobile to her Family Plan on the EE network. Since then, my partner has been monitoring my phone calls, sent and received messages and internet access. When I was disobedient towards her, she would disable the internet on my phone. This was very inconvenient due to the limitation of my contact with my daughters and family in Poland, as well as because I used this number for business purposes. After the incident on June 24, 2023, my ex-partner completely disabled my phone number. Only after the intervention of the court at the initial hearing was my number unblocked.

On June 24, 2023, my then-partner, driven by jealousy, called the police and made false statements accusing me of domestic violence. I was arrested and taken into custody. During the interview with Officer Rose Pratt, I presented the true version of events. Neither on the day of my arrest by the police nor at any time before did I engage in any form of physical or psychological violence against my partner. On the contrary, I was the victim of domestic violence.

Despite informing Officer Rose Pratt about the incident in which my partner broke my nose and despite my partner admitting to attacking me, as indicated in the police report, I was expelled from my home and my business. The police report I received states:

[…] The female party also disclosed that a while ago (possibly a year or more ago) the male had pushed her or kicked her in the stomach after she had hit him, but this was not reported. […]

The statements made by my ex-partner to the police and the statements submitted to the court contain a series of lies. In subsequent statements regarding the incident in which my ex-partner broke my nose, she wrote:

[…] On one occasion, the Respondent showed me an old picture of his broken nose and jokingly suggested that I had caused his injury. However, in later argument, the Respondent accused me of having broken his nose, although this was a work-related injury. […]

In another statement, she wrote:

[…] In 2021, the Respondent and I were arguing, and he left the house and returned later that night completely drunk with a nosebleed. […] I have never seen the photos he claims to have taken, so I do not know what it looks like. […]

My ex-partner not only lies about what really happened, but in one statement, she claims that I showed her pictures of my injuries, while in another, she states that she never saw any pictures. On June 24, 2023, when my ex-partner called the police, she said:

                […] Caller says they didn’t as there was no domestic violence until now. […]

However, in subsequent statements, she claims that she was strangled, kicked, and thrown against walls and the floor. In some statements, she alleges that she was grabbed by the neck and pushed into the door frame, while in others, she asserts that she was pushed in the chest and struck against the wall.

                […] he grabbed a hold of me in a vice-like grip and pushed me forcefully against the wall. Consequently, my body slammed against the ground […]

Did the police or a doctor conduct an examination of my ex-partner to investigate if there are any signs of such an attack? Please review the attached document to the email, which shows many more falsehoods in her statements.

Up to the present day, Officer Rose Pratt or her colleagues have not spoken to any of our neighbours. On the day my then-partner called the police, the weather was hot, and most of our neighbours had their windows and doors open, making any altercations potentially audible to one of them. This could confirm my innocence and reflects the incompetence of the police.

Officer Simon Shaw #1720 lies in his report by stating:

                […] The suspect previously ignored Police advice to leave the property and not return. […]

The police officer who arrived for the initial intervention suggested that I take an hour-long bike ride to give my then-partner some time to calm down. In the police report, it is stated:

                […] At this time, based on what has been said, there was no lawful power to prevent the male party from returning to the address. […]

Officer Sarah Dutton #1985 lies in her report by stating:

                […] Suspect was arrested yesterday – occ 55230098162 relates – whereby he had pushed his ex-partner after a verbal DA earlier in the evening. […]

Other police officers and individuals with access to the records, after reading these reports, may conclude that I really attacked my then-partner, which is a blatant lie. On July 9, 2023, I officially filed a phone report with the police regarding the incident in which my ex-partner attacked me and broke my nose (Officer dealing: 0482). However, I was completely trivialized and ignored. In October 2023, feeling helpless due to the lack of response and being ignored by the police, I sought help from a friend of my ex-partner. After reading her statements, she informed me that after the November 2021 incident, my ex-partner called her and told her that in a fit of rage, she attacked me and broke my nose. On October 17, 2023, I filed an online report with the police (TAA-83860-23-5555-01) informing them that I have a witness to the events in November 2023. However, once again, the police took no steps towards punishing the perpetrator. Officer Emma Chubb PC817 has not contacted the witness to this day, despite providing the witness’s phone number in the online report.

On December 8, 2023, at the request of Officer Rose Pratt, I was to appear at the police station in Poole regarding my Bail. Therefore, I took a day off work and went to the police station. However, on the spot, I was informed by the duty officer that my Bail had been extended until January 20, 2023. When I asked why I was not informed earlier, the duty officer told me that an email had been sent to me regarding this matter. Officer Rose Pratt did not call me to inform me about it, nor did she leave a voicemail. Upon checking my emails, it turned out that Officer Rose Pratt sent the email on the SAME DAY – December 8, 2023, at 8:20 AM. Furthermore, my Bail in January will last for over six months, and according to the law, it should be signed by the Superintendent. However, the document I received bears the signature of only Officer Rose Pratt and Sergeant S Boston #1783. I would like to obtain information about which Superintendent signed the extension of my Bail.

After being ejected from my home by the police, I lost access to my business, suffered a loss of income from Phones Rescue, and due to the lack of revenue for six months, I am unable to repay the business loan I took. My three daughters are experiencing hardship as I struggle to meet child maintenance payments.

The main responsibility for the entire situation lies with my ex-partner, who fabricated lies about me, destroying my life, ruining my company, and affecting the lives of my daughters. However, the blame also falls on Officer Rose Pratt and other officers involved in this investigation. Without the involvement and assistance of the police, my ex-partner would not have been able to demolish my life and destroy my business. The combination of a liar making false accusations and an incompetent police force is a very dangerous weapon, which can destroy the lives of many innocent people.

Given the above facts, police negligence, and the disregard for my reports, I request the disciplinary dismissal of Officer Rose Pratt and the suspension without pay for six months, with no salary, for officers who lied about me in official police reports and ignored my formal complaints. I believe it is fair because due to the negligence of the police, I have been deprived of income from my business for at least six months, and now I am facing the possibility of bankruptcy.

– Sarah Dutton #1985

– Simon Shaw #1720

– Officer dealing: #0482

– Emma Chubb #817

In this entire matter, I am not only innocent, but I am also a victim of both psychological and physical domestic violence. The way I have been treated by the police is unacceptable to me. Therefore, I appeal to you for help and to the representatives of the press to bring attention to this case. There should be no place in the police force for individuals like Rose Pratt and other officers who break and bend the law, abusing their power and authority. I founded Phones Rescue in 2018 at the cost of many sacrifices and months of hard work. Due to the lies of my ex-partner and the negligence of the police, my company is on the brink of bankruptcy.


Andrzej Majewski

The owner of Phones Rescue

17-12-2023 14:22 S: COM-44383-23-5500-00

Your recent submission

Thank you for completing the form, your reference is: COM-44383-23-5500-00.

We’re sorry you had to make a complaint.

We take this very seriously. We’ll review your complaint and aim to respond within 28 working days.

Thank you.

Notice – This email may be confidential and is intended solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please notify us and delete it from your system and to avoid incurring legal liabilities, you must not distribute or copy the information in this email without the permission of the sender.

The communication systems used by us are monitored to the extent permitted by law. Consequently, any email may be read by monitoring staff. The security of this email cannot be guaranteed. Email messages are routinely scanned but malicious software infection and corruption of content can still occur during transmission over the Internet.

02-01-2024 S:

re complaint CO/01435/23

Dear Mr Majewski,

Please find the attached letter for your attention.

Best wishes,

Caroline (7070)

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

03-01-2024 R:

Re: re complaint CO/01435/23

Dear Mr. Wittle,

Thank you very much for your response to my email. Unfortunately, I did not find answers to any of my pressing questions and concerns in it. I have not yet received the document extending my Bail with the signature of the Superintendent, so:

1) I demand that you send me such a document since, according to the law, only the Superintendent can extend Bail beyond 6 months.

Officers Sarah Dutton and Simon Shaw are lying about me in their reports, claiming that on June 24, 2023, I attacked my ex-partner and returned to my residential address against police instructions. One of the officers clearly stated in their report: “[…] At this time, based on what has been said, there was no lawful power to prevent the male party from returning to the address. […]”. As I am accused by the police of serious crimes:


-Intentional strangulations

As the accused:

2) I demand to be presented with incontrovertible evidence for the charges made by Officers Dutton and Shaw.

I do not want to baselessly accuse Officer Rose Pratt and her subordinates of intentionally, with premeditation, ruining my life and that of my three daughters, as well as attempting to destroy my company. However, I have the impression that the officers are abusing their powers and not properly fulfilling their duties; therefore:

3) I demand a list of investigative activities conducted from June 24, 2023, to the present day.

On December 8, 2023, OIC Rose Pratt demanded that I appear at the Poole police station regarding my Bail. I took a day off from work to prepare for this meeting and went to the police station in Poole. However, upon arrival, it turned out that Rose Pratt had cancelled the meeting, extending my Bail for more than 6 months (the document I received did not have the Superintendent’s signature). She sent me an email the same morning at 08:20, stating:

“[…] Good morning,

Attached is a copy of your BAIL EXTENSION. Due to not hearing back yet from CPS, your bail return has been extended to 20/01/2024.


I have not been able to make contact via phone but have copied in your legal representative who may be able to make contact.

Any queries, please get in touch.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt


I did not receive any phone call or voicemail from Rose Pratt that day. Due to the police actions, I lost the source of income from my company “Phones Rescue,” and my daughters and I are facing serious financial problems. Every additional day off from work is a significant issue for me.

4) I demand evidence proving that Officer Rose Pratt attempted to contact me by phone on December 8, 2023, and taking consequences against Officer Rose Pratt, as such behaviour by the police is unacceptable to me.

On July 9, 2023, I filed a telephonic report (55230106821) regarding the attack by my ex-partner on me and the breaking of my nose. However, I was completely ignored and trivialized by Officer Laura Boobier. Her report on the conversation with me is completely different from what I remember, therefore:

5) I request access to the audio recording of the telephonic conversation conducted with Officer Laura Boobier.


Andrzej Majewski

05-01-2024 S:

re complaint CO/01435/23

Good afternoon,

Please find the attached letter for your attention.

Best wishes,

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

06-01-2024 R:


Re: re complaint CO/01435/23

Good afternoon,

I understand that some points of my complaint are still under investigation. However, I still demand the initiation of an inquiry into my complaint, as I have reason to believe that the investigation conducted by Officer Rose Pratt is careless, improper, and violates my rights. Since June 24, 2023, the beginning of the investigation, 196 days have passed, and according to my information, Officer Rose Pratt has not interviewed any of my neighbors who could confirm my innocence.

Furthermore, from June 16, 2023, to June 24, 2023, the day my ex-partner called the police, a friend of my ex-partner lived with us, possessing crucial information for the investigation. Officer Rose Pratt did not establish any contact with this witness either.

The officers who interviewed my ex-partner noticed inconsistencies in her statements on the first day. One of the officers wrote in his report:

[…] She has then told these officers about the previous assault and stated that he strangled her before — note that when asked by earlier officers if there had been any other assaults she said “no”, and she sad “no” when ppn question about strangulation, possible this will need revisiting for clarification. […]

In the materials I have gathered, as outlined in the attached file, it is evident that there is no evidence establishing my guilt. On the contrary, there is a plethora of evidence indicating that my ex-partner is lying in her statements. The police even possess an admission from my ex-partner confessing to assaulting me and breaking my nose. Despite this, Officer Rose Pratt,  has expelled me – the vicim of the domestic violence – from my home and business.

1) Therefore, despite the ongoing investigation, I demand a detailed list of actions taken by Officer in Charge (OIC) Rose Pratt during the course of the investigation, as her investigative methods violate my rights to defend my innocence.

On December 8, 2023, OIC Rose Pratt sent me an email extending my bail beyond 6 months without the signature of a Superintendent.

2a) If you have this document, please send it to me by January 13, 2024.

2b) If you do not have this document, it implies that Officer Rose Pratt violated the law by extending my bail without Superintendent authorization. In that case, I demand an investigation into Officer Rose Pratt’s conduct and request the transfer of my case to another county, as I fear I cannot rely on a fair investigation and trial in Dorset County.

Best wishes,

Andrzej Majewski

Owner Phones Rescue Ltd

07-01-2024 10:54 S:

Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Mr Majewski,

          I am writing with regards to your recent complaint. At the moment I cannot resolve your issues as there is a live criminal investigation ongoing. I would like to reassure you that I am satisfied that this investigation is being conducted diligently and expeditiously. We have sent a file of evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and are awaiting their review. We hope to have a decision soon. I note that part of your complaint involves a lack of contact by DC 0105 PRATT. I have spoken to her and she tells me that she has tried to call you several times, and has sent e-mails to you without reply.

I note that your complaint mentions that you have evidence that proves your innocence. Please could I suggest that you provide this material to your solicitor and ask them to contact me to discuss it and provide me with copies. I can then ensure that any relevant material is provided to the CPS. 

I note that you also report being a victim of crime yourself. Please use our online system through the Dorset Police website to report this. It will not be DC 0105 PRATT that investigates this, as she cannot deal with you as a victim whilst she is still investigating you as a suspect.



Detective Inspector 2752 Ian ALLEN

Bournemouth CID

01202 222126

07-01-2024 11:26 R:

Re: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Ian,

Thank you for your response to my email. Officer Rose Pratt informed me via email about the cancellation of the meeting just a few hours before the scheduled date. In that email, she also conveyed information about the extension of my bail beyond six months without the required signature from the Superintendent. This is unacceptable and violates my rights.

1) Therefore, I request evidence that Officer Rose Pratt attempted to contact me by phone on that day to inform me of the meeting cancellation.

On December 8 and 9, 2023, I called the number 101, trying to reach Officer Rose Pratt and Sergeant 1783 S Boston, but both were unavailable on those days. To this day, I have not received a call from either of them.

On December 8, 2023, OIC Rose Pratt sent me an email extending my bail beyond 6 months without the Superintendent’s signature.

2a) If you have this document, please send it to me by January 13, 2024.

2b) If you do not have this document, it means that Officer Rose Pratt violated the law by extending my bail without Superintendent authorization. In that case, I demand an investigation into Officer Rose Pratt’s conduct and request the transfer of my case to another county, as I fear I cannot rely on a fair investigation and trial in Dorset County.

Best regards,
Andrzej Majewski
Owner, Phones Rescue Ltd

08-01-2024 S:

FW: re complaint CO/01435/23

Dear Mr Majewski,

The investigation element of your complaint is still under investigation and as such, can not be addressed until the outcome of the case against you. Dorset Police Complaints and Misconduct Department is the appropriate department to address this complaint once the case is concluded. For more information about the complaints process please see the Independent Office for Police Conduct website ( 

Best wishes,

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

10-01-2024 12:40 S:

Bail Extension

Good afternoon, 

I have just received an email from our bail management further extending your bail to 05/02/2024, this decision has come from CPS and not made by ourselves.

I have attached the document so you are aware. 

I understand you will be unhappy about this, I have copied in your legal representative, and our bail management have stated they are happy to have a discussion with your legal rep regarding what happens with the bail (as it swaps from police bail to CPS bail when it gets sent off, and this is where it can get confusing regarding when bail can be extended by certain supervisions).

If you wish for this to happen, please request your legal rep gets in touch and we can arrange this. Your legal rep may already be aware of the process and therefore may be able to explain it. But if not, bail management specialise in this area and will be able to explain it all to you. 

Kind Regards,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

10-01-2024 18:54 R:

Cc: BCPPerformance <>,

 “.Complaints & Misconduct” <>

Re: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Dear Ian,
I took the liberty of sending you some of the evidence I have collected directly. I have never used violence against my partner, and this entire situation is a result of her jealousy.
1.    It all started on 24-06-2023 when my ex-partner saw a message on Instagram written by her friend to me. At that point, she sent me three text messages with the content:
“Do you miss Gemma, huh?”, 
“Are you chatting with her on Instagram?”, 
“I knew it, you scumbag. Don’t even show your face to me.”
Evidence Ev17
2.    Then, with anger, she began bombarding her friend with messages:
Evidence Ev1 to Ev11
3.    On 26-06-2023, the day after being released from custody, I received a message from my ex-partner with the content:
“If you want, we can talk. If you use this message against me, I will never contact you again.”
Evidence Ev16
I’m not a psychologist, but if my partner is so terrified at the sight of me that she requested a barrier in court to separate us, what is the purpose of wanting to talk to me? Does a victim of domestic violence behave this way if they are genuinely terrified?
4.    In November 2021, my then-partner attacked me without reason, punching me in the face and breaking my nose. My ex-partner admitted to this, as indicated in the police report. Furthermore, after the incident, she called her friend and explained what happened. As evidence of this incident, I have photos of my damaged nose.

A) Police report with my ex-partner’s admission of guilt. Report number dated 24-06-2023 is 55230098162, prepared by Officer #2930 Oliver Duell.
B) Photos of my damaged nose (Ev12 and Ev13).
C) Witness to whom my ex-partner called and narrated the entire incident: I will provide the witness’s details in a separate email due to sensitive personal information.

5.    On 06-07-2023, two weeks after my partner ended our relationship, she sent a text message to her friend with the content:
„My heart is bleeding and you still talking to him ;(. I don’t know what to say to you.

This indicates that even long after the end of our relationship, my ex-partner continued to monitor my correspondence using the EE app. During our relationship, my private phone number was transferred to her Family Plan on the EE network. Why does my former partner harass and stalk my friend? Why is my ex-partner, claiming to be a victim of domestic violence, concerned about who my friend is messaging? Why, two weeks after ending our relationship, is my ex-partner still monitoring my phone activity?

6.    My ex-partner accused me of abusing her and controlling her location. In reality, the situation was entirely the opposite. My ex-partner relentlessly insisted on installing a location tracking app called Life360, which she used to monitor my whereabouts. She consistently sent me invitations to this app. When I refused to install the app, I was pushed, humiliated, and demeaned.

Evidence Ev18 to Ev21
When I persistently refused to install the tracking app, my ex-partner coerced her son to send me invitations to the app, knowing that I rarely refused her son anything.

Evidence Ev23
My ex-partner also attempted to track my location using the Microsoft Family Group app and on 18-03-2023 sent me an invitation to this app.

Evidence Ev22
If my former partner felt controlled by me, why did she consistently send invitations to spying apps? Why did she force her son to send me invitations? She should not involve her son in adult matters.
7.    In her statement dated September 26, 2023, my ex-partner claimed that she saw on my phone a website where I allegedly checked the compatibility of Sagittarius and Aries zodiac signs. I checked my browsing history and indeed visited such pages on September 15, 2023, almost 3 months after breaking up with my partner. This indicates that my ex-partner still tracks my browsing history using one of my devices that I was forced to leave in our home.

Evidence Ev24, browsing history.

The above evidence indicates that my ex-partner’s actions, her false accusations, and her attempt to ruin my life are driven by jealousy, anger, and a desire for revenge. My ex-partner also suffers from mental disorders – anxiety and depression, as she herself stated in her first statement on June 30, 2023, in paragraph 3:
[…]I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I take propranolol as medication.[…]
8.    My ex-partner has stated several times that there has never been domestic violence from my side in the past:
A)    Report #1728 Charley Dunstan 25/06/2023 10:09 : […] Caller is asked if there is previous DA between them. Caller states not between them but with her previous partners and that last time she had to go to court with the police […]
B)    Report #1728 Charley Dunstan 25/06/2023 10:43 […] Caller is asked where police sent him to? Caller says they didn’t as there was no domestic violence until now. […]
C)    Report #0105 Rose Pratt 08/07/2023 16:02 […] Apart from one previous incident and this incident there hasn’t been anything physical. […] As “previous incident,” I understand the incident from November 2021 when my ex-partner attacked me and broke my nose.
9.    Perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but after my ex-partner’s interview with Officer Rose Pratt, she completely changed her testimony. Suddenly, she began claiming that she had been kicked and abused for years.

On 10/01/2024, I received a document from Officer Rose Pratt extending my bail until 05/02/2024, and this document also lacks the Superintendent’s signature. Therefore, I reiterate my request for the document with the required signature. Officer Rose Pratt explains in her email:
[…]Good afternoon,
I have just received an email from our bail management further extending your bail to 05/02/2024, this decision has come from CPS and not made by ourselves.
I have attached the document so you are aware.
I understand you will be unhappy about this, I have copied in your legal representative, and our bail management have stated they are happy to have a discussion with your legal rep regarding what happens with the bail (as it swaps from police bail to CPS bail when it gets sent off, and this is where it can get confusing regarding when bail can be extended by certain supervisions).
If you wish for this to happen, please request your legal rep gets in touch and we can arrange this. Your legal rep may already be aware of the process and therefore may be able to explain it. But if not, bail management specialise in this area and will be able to explain it all to you.
Kind Regards,
Rose Pratt
The document I received was not sent by the CPS but by Officer Rose Pratt. The law is clear that the extension of bail beyond six months should be approved by the Superintendent. There is no mention of CPS, nor is there any room for interpretation:

Under the Police, Crime Sentencing and Court Act 2022, the ABP (Authorised Bail Period) in most cases will initially be 3 months, which can be extended to 6 calendar months by an Inspector and 9 months by a Superintendent. The Magistrates’ Court can also, in the majority of cases, extend the ABP from 9 months to 12 or 18. Any application to extend the ABP to the Magistrate’s Court is to be treated as extended until the application is determined by the court.

Therefore, I maintain my request, as I would like to know which Superintendent, after gathering such a substantial amount of evidence incriminating my ex-partner and confirming my innocence, decided to extend my bail, thereby disrupting my life, the lives of my daughters, and ruining my business.
A) If you have this document approved and signed by Superintendent, please send it to me by January 13, 2024.

B) If you do not have this document, it means that Officer Rose Pratt violated the law by extending my bail without Superintendent authorisation. In that case, I demand an investigation into Officer Rose Pratt’s conduct and request the transfer of my case to another county, as I fear I cannot rely on a fair investigation and trial in Dorset County.

Please review the attached PDF file where I have included crucial information from police reports and statements from my ex-partner.

Best regards,
Andrzej Majewski
Owner, Phones Rescue Ltd

12-01-2024 S:

RE: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Majewski,

     Thanks for providing that further information, I will ensure that it is seen by DC PRATT and reviewed in line with the investigation. I had hoped to be able to provide a further update about some points raised in your complaint today, but I’m afraid time/other commitments have caught up with me. I hope to communicate further early next week in respect of some of your points.



14-01-2024 R:


Re: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Ian,

Thank you for your email, but I expect some actions from Dorset Police at last. Emails alone won’t resolve this matter.

I am writing this email seeking assistance in my case, as I feel ignored by Dorset Police. The whole issue started on June 24, 2023, when my ex-partner, driven by jealousy, contacted Dorset Police, and made false statements, accusing me of terrible things: domestic violence, strangulation, and assault. All these accusations were completely fabricated by her to seek revenge. On the very first day of the investigation, Officer in Charge Rose Pratt had evidence in hand indicating that my partner was lying, as the officers taking my ex-partner’s statements noticed inconsistencies, which they documented in their reports:

            […] She has then told these officers about the previous assault and stated that he strangled her before — note that when asked by earlier officers if there had been any other assaults she said no, and she said no when ppn question about strangulation, possible this will need revisiting for clarification. […] – Officer’s Observations

OIC Rose Pratt completely ignored these inconsistencies in my ex-partner’s statements, placed me under arrest, and after my release the next day, she handed me a restraining order preventing me from returning to my home for a period of 3 months. Since I worked from home, this situation was very burdensome for me, but I understood that Dorset Police needed time to conduct their investigation. I then called the bank where I have a business loan and requested a freeze on my loan repayments for a period of 3 months.

I understand that people in fits of anger can do irrational things, such as making false statements to seek revenge on their former partners. Especially considering that my partner suffers from mental health disorders, as she herself wrote in her statement dated June 30, 2023:

            […] I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I take propranolol as medication. […] 

(My ex-partner did not mention that she is also prescribed Fluoxetine by her GP.)

However, I was counting on the professionalism of the police and the belief that, in time, my partner would realise that her lies would sooner or later be exposed. I hoped she would understand the serious consequences that making false statements could entail.

Before the first court hearing, I met with my ex-partner’s lawyer and attempted to settle the matter amicably. I had invested around £15,000 and a year and a half of work into the property where we lived with my ex-partner. I took out a loan, sold my car to build a Summer House so I could work from home. Wanting to resolve the matter in court amicably, I proposed that if my ex-partner paid me £5,000—just enough to rent a space to relocate my business—and withdrew all accusations, I would be willing to forgo further legal action, allowing her to face the consequences for making false statements. Her lawyer replied that they would not pay me a penny, regardless of whether his client was lying or telling the truth. Worse still, he threatened that if I did not admit guilt, they would demand in court that I pay her rent, cover all property repairs, and seize all items I had purchased for the home and business. It became clear to me then that my ex-partner’s goal was to inflict maximum damage on my life and my business, rather than freeing herself from someone who allegedly abused her.

So, I was left to believe in the professionalism and effectiveness of the police. I deluded myself that with such a quantity of evidence indicating that my partner fabricated all accusations and that she is not telling the truth, giving the police time to conduct the investigation would be sufficient. However, delving into the police reports provided to me by Dorset Police, I came across Officer Rose Pratt’s report dated 25/06/2023 09:23, in which she writes:

            […] Later  in the evening S came back to HA and pushed V […]

I then understood that Officer Rose Pratt was not concerned with the truth, resolving the investigation, gathering evidence, or questioning witnesses. Rose Pratt had already passed judgment on me: HE IS GUILTY! It seemed to me that in a civilised country, which Britain claims to be, a person remains innocent until proven guilty. However, as I see it, I was mistaken. Rose Pratt appears to act as both a police officer, judge, and executioner simultaneously. Such a person should never be an Officer In Charge, or even a police officer.

When Rose Pratt sent me two further extensions of Bail beyond 6 months without the required Superintendent’s signature, I realised that Officer Rose Pratt was intent on destroying my life.

Officer Rose Pratt sent me an extension of my Bail without the required Superintendent’s signature, explaining that she was not responsible for the extension of my Bail; the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was. However, it was not the CPS that informed me of the Bail extension, but Rose Pratt herself, and her signature along with the signature of Sergeant #1826 R WILSON is on that document. If OIC Rose Pratt has the Superintendent’s consent for extending my Bail, why not provide it to me directly?

In this entire matter, it is not just about my innocence. It is about being not only innocent but also a victim of domestic violence, and as such, I expect help from the police, yet I am being ignored by Dorset Police. OIC Rose Pratt must understand that I will bring a case against her and Dorset Police in court for damages, abuse of authority, false entries in reports, lost business income, destruction of my business, damage to my credit score, reputation, and the destruction of my daughters’ lives. Does anyone in Dorset Police, after reviewing the materials and evidence I provided, still believe in my ex-partner’s story? If so, I would like to know which Superintendent is responsible for this.

Given the above facts, I do not believe that I can expect a fair investigation and trial in Dorset County. Therefore, I request the prompt transfer of the investigation to another county, where, as a domestic violence victim, I can expect proper care, legal assistance, and a fair investigation and trial. I also request the removal of Officer Rose Pratt from police duties and the initiation of an investigation into her conduct, as her behaviour is unworthy of wearing a police uniform.

Best regards,
Andrzej Majewski
Owner, Phones Rescue Ltd

16-01-2024 13:59 S:

FW: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Mr Majewski,

     Following on from my previous e-mail, I can now offer some further information regarding certain aspects of your complaint. Firstly, the bail issue. I have taken advice from an Officer who specialises in the area of Police Bail. What I can tell you about this is as follows:

In essence the law is that a suspect can be released on pre-charge bail to obtain a CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) charge decision or for the Police’s enquiries (including evidence gathering, file building, evaluating evidence, deliberating over police charge decisions etc). The legislators put in place safeguards to ensure that the Police only bailed for police enquiries when it was necessary and proportionate,  and they introduced a series of stages where the bail is reviewed and, if still assessed as being necessary and proportionate, the bail is extended. These reviews are timed by the applicable bail period (ABP).

When a suspect is initially bailed for enquiries, the APB is set at 3 months starting the day after arrest.  This means that we cannot bail for police enquiries beyond that 3 month point without the bail being reviewed and an extension to the ABP authorised.

The pertinent parts of PACE act 1984 are s47ZA, s47ZB (1, 2 &3) s47ZD and s47ZL in its entirety.

In drafting the law, the Government recognised that the Police had no control over how long the CPS take to deliberate over charges as required by s37B PACE. So the review timer, the ABP is suspended at any time when the case is bailed subject to s37(7)(a) for the CPS to review.

Mr Majewski was arrested on 24/06/2023 he was initially bailed to 24/09/2023 (the 3 month ABP end date)

On 08/09/2023 he was bailed for a CPS charge decision which under s47ZL(2)(b) suspended the ABP with 17 days remaining

On 18/09/2023 the CPS requested further information which restarted the ABP s47ZL(6)(b) with a new ABP end date of 04/10/2023

On 26/09/2023 an inspector reviewed the bail and authorised an ABP extension to the 6 month point, 24/12/2023 under s47ZD

On 30/09/2023 Mr Majewski was re-bailed to 24/12/2023

On 08/11/2023 the case was resubmitted to the CPS which under s47ZL(9 & 10) re-suspended the ABP with 47 days remaining

On 05/12/2023 the CPS again requested further information which restarted the ABP s47ZL(6)(b) with a new ABP end date of 20/01/2024.

On 03/01/2024 the case was resubmitted to the CPS which under s47ZL(9 & 10) re-suspended the ABP with 18 days remaining

On 08/01/2024 Mr Majewski was re-bailed to 05/02/2024

Under PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) Mr Majewski or his lawyer only need to be contacted to invite representations when he is being initially released from custody s50A or when the ABP is being reviewed by an Inspector s47ZD or Superintendent s47ZDA. As the ABP is still within the first 6 months there has been no need for a Superintendent’s review yet.

At no point do suspects receive a bail form bearing an Inspector’s or Superintendent’s signature, they review and extend the applicable bail period, the actual bail is granted by a custody officer.

In summary, I am satisfied that DC PRATT has conducted this aspect of the investigation process as required.

Secondly, the contact issue. I have spoken to DC PRATT about this. She showed me the call log for her work mobile for the 08/12/2023. Unfortunately, due to human error she inputted your number incorrectly with 1 digit wrong. This is why you did not receive any calls from her. I am satisfied that this error was made in good faith and with no malicious intent. I apologise on behalf of Dorset Police for the lack of the contact on the 08/12/2023.  No further action will be taken with regards to that.

As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, there is still a live criminal investigation ongoing, which means I cannot comment on your other points at this stage. I would like to reassure you that the information you have provided has been supplied to DC PRATT and her supervisor. This will be considered in the same way as any other material received during a criminal investigation and brought to the attention of the CPS if necessary.

The most recent update on your case is that it is still with the CPS for a charging decision. I am satisfied that the investigation has progressed diligently and expeditiously. I hope that they will come back with their final decision soon.

Complaints and misconduct-I now consider points 1 and 4 of the complaint to be resolved.



16-01-2024 S:

RE: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Hi Mr Majewski,

On the 16th January 2024 I sent you the following update about your complaints:

Hi Mr Majewski,

     Following on from my previous e-mail, I can now offer some further information regarding certain aspects of your complaint. Firstly, the bail issue. I have taken advice from an Officer who specialises in the area of Police Bail. What I can tell you about this is as follows:

In essence the law is that a suspect can be released on pre-charge bail to obtain a CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) charge decision or for the Police’s enquiries (including evidence gathering, file building, evaluating evidence, deliberating over police charge decisions etc). The legislators put in place safeguards to ensure that the Police only bailed for police enquiries when it was necessary and proportionate,  and they introduced a series of stages where the bail is reviewed and, if still assessed as being necessary and proportionate, the bail is extended. These reviews are timed by the applicable bail period (ABP).

When a suspect is initially bailed for enquiries, the APB is set at 3 months starting the day after arrest.  This means that we cannot bail for police enquiries beyond that 3 month point without the bail being reviewed and an extension to the ABP authorised.

The pertinent parts of PACE act 1984 are s47ZA, s47ZB (1, 2 &3) s47ZD and s47ZL in its entirety.

In drafting the law, the Government recognised that the Police had no control over how long the CPS take to deliberate over charges as required by s37B PACE. So the review timer, the ABP is suspended at any time when the case is bailed subject to s37(7)(a) for the CPS to review.

Mr Majewski was arrested on 24/06/2023 he was initially bailed to 24/09/2023 (the 3 month ABP end date)

On 08/09/2023 he was bailed for a CPS charge decision which under s47ZL(2)(b) suspended the ABP with 17 days remaining

On 18/09/2023 the CPS requested further information which restarted the ABP s47ZL(6)(b) with a new ABP end date of 04/10/2023

On 26/09/2023 an inspector reviewed the bail and authorised an ABP extension to the 6 month point, 24/12/2023 under s47ZD

On 30/09/2023 Mr Majewski was re-bailed to 24/12/2023

On 08/11/2023 the case was resubmitted to the CPS which under s47ZL(9 & 10) re-suspended the ABP with 47 days remaining

On 05/12/2023 the CPS again requested further information which restarted the ABP s47ZL(6)(b) with a new ABP end date of 20/01/2024.

On 03/01/2024 the case was resubmitted to the CPS which under s47ZL(9 & 10) re-suspended the ABP with 18 days remaining

On 08/01/2024 Mr Majewski was re-bailed to 05/02/2024

Under PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) Mr Majewski or his lawyer only need to be contacted to invite representations when he is being initially released from custody s50A or when the ABP is being reviewed by an Inspector s47ZD or Superintendent s47ZDA. As the ABP is still within the first 6 months there has been no need for a Superintendent’s review yet.

At no point do suspects receive a bail form bearing an Inspector’s or Superintendent’s signature, they review and extend the applicable bail period, the actual bail is granted by a custody officer.

In summary, I am satisfied that DC PRATT has conducted this aspect of the investigation process as required.

Secondly, the contact issue. I have spoken to DC PRATT about this. She showed me the call log for her work mobile for the 08/12/2023. Unfortunately, due to human error she inputted your number incorrectly with 1 digit wrong. This is why you did not receive any calls from her. I am satisfied that this error was made in good faith and with no malicious intent. I apologise on behalf of Dorset Police for the lack of the contact on the 08/12/2023.  No further action will be taken with regards to that.

As I mentioned in my previous e-mail, there is still a live criminal investigation ongoing, which means I cannot comment on your other points at this stage. I would like to reassure you that the information you have provided has been supplied to DC PRATT and her supervisor. This will be considered in the same way as any other material received during a criminal investigation and brought to the attention of the CPS if necessary.

The most recent update on your case is that it is still with the CPS for a charging decision. I am satisfied that the investigation has progressed diligently and expeditiously. I hope that they will come back with their final decision soon.

Complaints and misconduct-I now consider points 1 and 4 of the complaint to be resolved.



I have completed my role in the investigation of your complaints. I am no longer DC PRATT’s supervisor, so I cannot comment on current events.



25-01-2024 S:

FW: 55230098162


Following what you have said regarding the November 2021 incident we would be looking to seek your medical records to corroborate this.

As you can see below I have sent an email to your legal rep and have given some time for him to consult with you regarding this.

I have still not heard back so wasn’t sure if he had touched based with you about this, so will send it to you direct and have copied him in.

If you are happy for us to, please fill out the part of the form with a red x on.

These things again take time and may result in your bail getting extended further so we can obtain this information if it may corroborate your line of events.

Please get back to me as soon as you can.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

27-01-2024 R:


Re: FW: 55230098162

Good evening,

When my ex-partner broke my nose, I didn’t go to the hospital. I was simply ashamed that my partner had beaten me. I set my nose myself, despite the bone crunch, bleeding nose, and terrible pain.

I was evicted from home by Officer Rose Pratt, based solely on false accusations from my ex-partner. There are no other pieces of evidence of my guilt. However, regarding the incident from November 2021, you have my statements, my photographic documentation, and the admission of guilt from my ex-partner (police report dated 24/06/2023, 23:00, #2930 Duell Oliver […] The female party also disclosed that a while ago (possibly a year or more ago) the male had pushed her or kicked her in the stomach after she had hit him, but this was not reported. […]), and I provided you with the contact information for a witness (whom you haven’t contacted in 7 months) to whom my ex-partner spoke after the incident, explaining what happened.

From police reports and statements from my ex-partner, you can read: 

[…] I asked him to leave he pushed me against the wall. […]

[…] he used both hands to push her in the chest and against the door frame. […]

[…] Andy said “F*ck off” before he pushed my chest with two hands causing my back to hit the doorframe. […]

[…] pushed her with two hands against the door frame. […]

[…] he grabbed a hold of me in a vice-like grip and pushed me forcefully against the wall. […]

I understand that OIC Rose Pratt meticulously carried out all necessary investigative procedures and documented the injuries of my ex-partner, and a doctor prepared medical documentation of all injuries. Otherwise, I am forced to conclude that Dorset Police and Officer Rose Pratt do not treat all individuals equally, and I will feel harassed by Officer Rose Pratt.

Request 1: As an accused party in serious crimes, I demand information on whether the police have conducted the necessary documentation of the injuries to the applicant. If so, please send me the above-mentioned medical and photographic documentation, as they are essential for proving my guilt or innocence in court. If Dorset Police did not perform photographic documentation or a medical examination, it means that Officer Rose Pratt is applying double standards to me and my ex-partner, thereby violating the principle of “equality before the law,” a fundamental principle of social justice and the basis of a democratic rule of law.

As one of the points of accusation, OIC Rose Pratt mentioned:

Intentional Strangulation on 24/06/2023 Serious Crime Act 2015 s. 75a(1)(a)(5)

Request 2: Please quote for me in which specific police report, statement, or victim’s testimony my partner stated that I committed “Intentional Strangulation” on 24/06/2023. Firstly, because such an incident never took place, and secondly, based on the information I obtained, the applicant did not mention in any testimony that I committed this act on 24/06/2023. However, the second point of accusation clearly states: Intentional Strangulation on 24/06/2023. The applicant only made false statements about some earlier, imagined incidents.

In one of the previous emails, Officer Rose Pratt stated that my bail is being extended for almost 7 months due to the need for inquiries and document exchanges between CPS and Dorset Police.

Request 3: I would like to know exactly what inquiries and documents related to my case are being transmitted, as with this amount of evidence of my innocence, I have legitimate concerns that Officer Rose Pratt is deliberately trying to slow down the investigation and is conducting it negligently. I presented information about the assault on me by my partner during the interview on 25/06/2023, and only on 25/01/2024 did she request access to the medical documentation?

Officer Rose Pratt is a disgrace to Dorset Police. Her actions demean the police uniform.

I am not sure if the Police Complaints & Misconduct is the appropriate recipient for such complaints, but I also have serious reservations about the functioning of Bournemouth Crown Court. If you do not handle such complaints, please provide information on where I can seek help in this matter. (Note: English is not my native language, and all information regarding court hearings is quoted from memory, but the meaning of the statements remains unchanged.)

1) On 22/09/2023, the second court hearing took place. After this hearing, I did not receive any report or email with the date of the next hearing. When I called the court after a month to find out what had happened, no one could give me a comprehensive answer. On 25/10/2023, I received an email with the report from that hearing and the date of the next hearing on 23/01/2024.

Request 4) I would like to know who is responsible for this one-month delay. It is an additional month of unnecessary stress for me and a sign of disrespect for the law.

2) On 23/01/2024, the Final Hearing combined with Cross Examination was scheduled. During the second hearing, the judge assured me that I would have QLR at my disposal during the Final Hearing, who would question the applicant on my behalf, as I would not have the opportunity to ask her questions in person. When I appeared in court on that day, District Judge Veal informed me that QLR did not appear in court. The judge asked me if I had prepared questions for the applicant so that the judge could read them on my behalf. I answered negatively because no one informed me how I was supposed to prepare questions. It turned out that the document dated 12/01/2024 with the information:

[…] 2. By 4pm on 22 January 2024, the respondent file with the court only (and not with applicant) written questions which the respondent would wish the court to ask of the applicant by way of cross examination during the hearing.

I received the email only on January 24, 2024. The judge asked me if I could quickly write down the questions so he could present them to the applicant. Since English is not my native language, and I plan to ask most questions only after hearing the applicant’s testimony, I refused. Due to this fact, Cross Examination could not take place, and the judge set a new court hearing date for April 23, 2024.

Request 5: I would like to obtain information on who is responsible for the fact that I am receiving the email with the document dated January 12, 2024, only on January 24, 2024. This is the second such case during this process, so I have reason to believe that it is a deliberate action by the court to destroy my life. It means another 3 months of additional stress for me.

3) During the Final Hearing on January 23, 2024, the judge informed me that my Non-Molestation Order had expired on January 3, 2024, and that he would focus on the Occupation Order during this hearing, as there is no evidence or grounds to continue the Non-Molestation Order. I asked the judge if, in that case, I could contact Dorset Police to inform them that they could initiate an investigation against the applicant regarding the attack on me and breaking my nose, as the police informed me that they cannot initiate an investigation while another investigation in my case is ongoing. The judge answered affirmatively. I also asked if, theoretically, I could return home since the Non-Molestation Order had expired. The judge replied that yes, it is entirely legal, but he asked me to promise that I would not do it. I asked again if I would be breaking the law by returning home. The judge replied that I would not be breaking the law. I responded that I would not promise not to do something entirely legal. The judge then created a new Non-Molestation Order valid until April 23, 2024. I do not understand the basis for this decision because according to the maxim “quod lege non prohibitum, licitum est,” I should not be punished for doing something entirely legal, as it is punishing the innocent.

Request 6: I request a written justification for the decision to extend the Non-Molestation Order until April 2024.

4) The Applicant violated court orders three times without facing any consequences. This contradicts the principles of “inevitability of punishment” and “equality before the law.”

A) The Applicant did not comply with the instructions of District Judge Lacey dated 21/07/2023, point 13: “The Applicant must do everything she reasonably can to transfer as soon as possible the Respondent’s mobile phone number 07404958756 from its current contract with EE to Pay As You Go contact with EE.” Although the Applicant unblocked my number on 21/07/2023, my number was completely disabled shortly after. While the Applicant claims it was EE’s fault, the truth is that, firstly, the Applicant had no right to block or disable this number, as it has been my property long before I met the Applicant. Secondly, no mobile network operator disables a subscriber’s number without their prior request. I have evidence that the Applicant instructed the disabling of my number on 25/06/2023. Eventually, my number was unblocked, but it caused unnecessary stress for me.

B) The Applicant did not follow the instructions of District Judge Lacey dated 21/07/2023, point 7: “The Applicant must by 4 pm on 04/08/2023 file with the Court and serve on the Respondent: a schedule of up to 6 allegations on which she wishes to rely and a statement in support of those allegations of up to 8 A4 pages (using size 12 font, 1.5 spaced).” The Applicant did not send these documents within the required timeframe. Only after my intervention, she sent these documents on 07/08/2023.

C) According to the document from District Judge Lacey dated 21/07/2023, the Applicant had the right to send a supplementary statement by 01/09/2023, but she did not do so. However, during the second hearing in court on 22/09/2023, the Applicant changed her mind and asked the judge for the possibility of writing this statement. The judge asked me if I had any objections to this. I expressed my concerns about what would happen if the Applicant included new lies or information in her supplementary statement. The judge assured that it would not happen because the Applicant has the right to include in her supplementary statement only information that responds to my statement. The Applicant once again did not comply with the court’s instructions, and in point 10 of her statement dated 25/09/2023, she included information that was not present in any of my previous statements because the described situation occurred only after I sent my last statement:

10. […] The Respondent further tried to frustrate matters at the last hearing, where he requested a statement from the Judge by my ex-partner (my son’s father who has not been in contact for over 10 years) […]

Request 7: I have been evicted from home due to false accusations, despite the lack of any evidence. The Applicant faces no consequences for her actions, despite presenting evidence to the police and the court of her violation of the law. If we are equal before the law, I demand that Dorset Police and Bournemouth Court react to the Applicant’s violation of the law.

Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

02-02-2024 S:

Bail return date


I have had an email from CPS today that they want to have a meeting on 09/02/2024 with myself – hopefully, we will get an outcome or at least a strong update of where they are with this case.

I understand your current bail return date is Monday 5th, therefore, I will speak with a custody Sgt when I am back in first thing to establish what they want to do about your bail return, as CPS have not stated a date or anything they would want to change this to. 

I understand this is frustrating, but hopefully, I will be able to give clarity on this tomorrow and even more clarity from the 9th after this meeting.

Please keep an eye on your emails over the weekend regarding what will happen Monday.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams

04-02-2024 R:


Fwd: FW: 55230098162

Good evening,

Thank you for the update on my investigation. As the extension of my bail contains signatures only from Officer Rose Pratt and Sergeant 2309 A Rhodes, please provide information on whether my bail has exceeded 6 months (from 25/06/2023 to 17/02/2024), and if so, why there is no signature from the superintendent on this document. You also did not address my previous email. I am including its content below and request answers to the questions it contains. Please do not ignore my inquiries. As both the head of Dorset Police, OIC, and my ex-partner who falsely accuses me are women, I have the right to be concerned that I am being discriminated against based on my gender.

Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

05-02-2024 S:

RE: FW: 55230098162

Good morning, 

In terms of your bail, as it has been explained to you previously by Ian Allen, it is based on when your bail clock pauses for it to be sent to CPS, and then if they come back with any enquiries for me to complete, your bail clock then continues. This is why it seems your bail has gone on for so long, it is just where it gets bounced back and forth. It can be very confusing, and your legal rep can explain this further for you or get in touch with bail management who specialise in this area.

Regarding your previous emails, anything you have sent across to me has been documented and sent across to the CPS.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

13-02-2024 R:


Re: FW: 55230098162

Dear Ian,

Officer Rose Pratt ignored my previous email and did not respond to many of the questions contained in it. Please answer them for me. I also have several new inquiries.

Request 4: In his report, Officer Simon Shaw #1720 refers to me as an ‘offender.’: “The Victim […] has been in relationship with the offender […] for the last 3 years. Police Disclosure Page 33”. It seemed to me that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Please provide undeniable evidence of me breaking the law.

In his report, Officer Simon Shaw claims: ” I have considered a location ban for the home address and this would be suitable as he has previously ignored Police advice to leave the property and not return.  Police Disclosure Page 34.”  As far as I remember, no officer prohibited me from returning home. The officer I spoke with merely suggested that I take a bike ride and then return home. Officer Simon Shaw’s lies were the reason for unlawfully throwing me out of the house. 

Requst 5: Please provide information about which officer told me not to return home, and I request recordings from his camera.

In her report, Officer Sarah Dutton #1985 writes: “Suspect was arrested yesterday – occ 55230098162 relates – where by he had pushed his ex partner after a verbal DA earlier in the evening. Police Disclosure Page 36”

Request 6: These are lies and slander. Please provide undeniable evidence to confirm Officer Dutton’s words.

In her report, Officer Rose Pratt writes: “Later  in the evening S came back to HA and pushed V Police Disclosure Page 31”

Request 7: These are lies and slander. Please provide undeniable evidence to confirm Officer Pratt’s words.

Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters
Police disclosure documents

14-02-2024 R:


 “Allen, Ian” <>,,

 BCPPerformance <>

Re: 55230106821

Dear Emma,

During the last hearing in court, District Judge Veal assured me that there are no legal obstacles to initiating an investigation against my ex-partner. Therefore, I would like to inquire about the current stage of this investigation.

I also have several other accusations against my ex-partner:

1. Making false statements. The whole story has been fabricated by my partner. There are many lies there that I can prove. Among them are her three versions regarding my injured nose (Excel A6, B6, C6). Information about her transferring £600 to me on 24/06/2023 so that I could stay overnight in a hotel (Excel A24, B24, C24). My ex-partner repeatedly mentioned to the police officers that she had never experienced any form of violence from me before, and then after meeting with Officer Rose Pratt, she completely changed her statement.

2. Wasting police time. When I returned home from a bike ride on 24/06/2023 at around 7PM, the house was locked, and my ex-partner and son were safe inside. She called the police, claiming she was in danger. This is a lie. She herself admitted that I was sitting in the garden, listening to music on headphones and smoking a cigarette. It was only the police officer who arrived on the scene who unlocked the house. (Excel A15, B15, C15)

3. Controlling behavior. My partner monitored my location using the Life360 app. If I uninstalled this app, my partner physically and mentally abused me. She repeatedly sent me invitations to this app, of which I have evidence. My partner persuaded me to transfer my phone number to her family plan on the EE network. From that moment on, she controlled my internet access and monitored who I called and texted.

4. Stalking. My partner checked my messages, conversations, and internet browsing history even 3 months after our breakup. I have evidence in the form of photos, screenshots, and browsing history.

5. My partner defrauded NHS funds. Multiple times, she deliberately booked shifts at the hospital where she worked, only to cancel them later. NHS repeatedly paid her for days when she wasn’t at work. This can be proven by checking the days she called the hospital, reviewing voice recordings, and verifying whether NHS paid her for those days.

I have already sent most of the evidence and translations to Officer Rose Pratt. Please contact her regarding this matter.

Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

Documents related to the case:
applications.pdf (

police.pdf (

statements.pdf (



Good evening,

In regards to your bail to return date – it has been cancelled and a new date given while the CPS makes a charging decision.

Please see the attached new bail sheet, you do not need to attend the police station tomorrow.

Kind regards,

DC Laura Smith 538



03-03-2024 S:

FW: Bail return date


Following my last email, I have attached a document from bail management to extend your bail to 17/02/2024. I am hoping we will not need this full time and after my meeting with CPS on 09/02/2024 I will have an update of the investigation.

Please do not attend on Monday 5th February 2024.

I will give a further update after my meeting with them.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams

07-03-2024 S:

Released Under Investigation

Good evening,

Attached is your document showing you as ‘released under investigation’. This means that the investigation is still ongoing, however, there are no bail conditions in place.

I am aware there is a non-molestation order in place preventing you from attending XXXXXXXX. I strongly advise, that despite these bail conditions being dropped, you do not attend the address as you will be breaching this order, which could lead to you being arrested. 

I have copied in your legal representative, so he is also aware.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105

Police Constable

Email: / MS Teams

09-03-2024 R:

Re: Released Under Investigation

Good afternoon,

In light of the fact that since our last interview I have managed to obtain new evidence in my case, I kindly request a meeting at a time convenient for you.

Kind Regards

Andrzej Majewski

11-03-2024 14:10 S:

RE: Released Under Investigation


I am on duty until 10pm tonight and back in 12pm-10pm tomorrow so I will try and give you a call.

Anytime that works best or does not work for you?

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

11-03-2024 14:25 R:

Re: Released Under Investigation

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your response to my email. I work from 8 am to 5 pm, so the most convenient time for me would be an evening meeting between 6 pm and 10 pm, but I can adjust to any time.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

11-03-2024 15:01 S:

RE: Released Under Investigation


Ok it may not be able to be today as we are extremely short staffed, so if we plan for a call tomorrow and I will arrange a time with you after 6pm.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams

11-03-2024 18:05 R:

Re: Released Under Investigation

It sounds great. Thank you.

Andrzej Majewski

12-03-2024 14:32 S:

RE: Released Under Investigation


After today I am not in until Friday, but I am having a meeting with the CPS. Therefore, it may be better if we have a meeting after this as I may have more information to give you if you are happy with that?

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

12-03-2024 14:49 R:

Good afternoon,

That sounds fine. My company is practically dead already, so a few days won’t make a difference to me. I wanted to discuss my additional charges against my ex, regarding multiple instances of shoplifting, as well as her frauds related to IVA bankruptcy. I also have some questions for you before I publish an article on my website about incompetence and violations by the Dorset Police.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

12-03-2024 15:01 S:

RE: Released Under Investigation

Thank you for your response.

By all means, if you want to send any questions over that you have via email, I can see if I can answer them.

Along with this, any offences you wish to report, this will need to be done via 101 or the online submission on the Dorset Police website and they will be dealt with accordingly.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams 

15-03-2024 13:05 S:

Re: Request for help from a domestic violence victim

Hello there,

Thank you for your email. I wanted to write just to confirm that your email has been received and I’ll be back in touch shortly.

All best,

On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 10:36, Andrzej Majewski <> wrote:

Dear Tom,

I’m addressing you as the Chief Executive of Mental Health and Domestic Abuse Services, begging for help. I am a victim of domestic violence and false accusations. I cannot rely on any help from Dorset Police. On the contrary, OIC Rose Pratt from Dorset Police is doing everything in her power to destroy my life. Despite overwhelming evidence of my innocence and evidence against my ex-partner, Officer Rose Pratt has been trying to ruin my life and the lives of my three daughters for the past 7 months.

Seeing no other way, I have decided to make my story public to expose the incompetence, ineffectiveness, and egregious actions of Dorset Police.

Bankruptcy Phones Rescue Due To Incompetence Of Bournemouth Police, CPS, And Bournemouth Crown Court (

NHS Nurse From Poole Hospital, Domestic Violence, False Testimony, And Lies In Court (

Officer Rose Pratt demonstrates extreme incompetence, and her actions are a clear sign of blatant discrimination against me based on gender. I reported to Dorset Police three times (I also reported this personally to Officer Rose Pratt during an interview on June 25, 2023) about my ex-partner assaulting me. Despite this, Dorset Police has taken no action against my ex-partner for over 8 months, while based on false accusations, Officer Rose Pratt threw me out of my home and my business.

Officer Rose Pratt has my statements, photos of my facial injuries, my ex-partner’s admission of guilt, and contact information for witnesses to those events. However, she has no evidence of my guilt, except for her false testimony. After about seven months of investigation, Officer Rose Pratt demanded medical reports from me documenting my ex-partner’s attack on me. When I asked her if she had medical reports documenting my alleged attacks on my ex-partner, I was completely ignored by Officer Rose Pratt. I consider this gender discrimination by Officer Rose Pratt – I was made homeless and thrown out of my home and business solely on the basis of false accusations by my ex-partner, while Officer Rose Pratt demands medical reports from me, even though my ex-partner admitted to attacking me, resulting in a broken nose.

I consider the actions of Dorset Police, especially OIC Rose Pratt, reprehensible and unworthy of a police officer’s uniform. After over eight months of investigation, OIC Rose Pratt changed my status from “Released on bail” to “Released under investigation,” which makes it difficult for me to change jobs due to the annotation in the DBS check report. From the very beginning of the investigation, I was ready to go to court to prove my innocence, but Officer Rose Pratt’s actions do not allow me to do so. Instead, I am still “Released under investigation,” which ruins my life and the lives of my daughters.

I reported my concerns to the police, but when I began asking uncomfortable questions, Ian Allen, who was handling my complaint, stopped responding to my emails.

Please review the articles and documents published by me. If possible, I request a meeting.


Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

Documents related to the case:

applications.pdf (

police.pdf (

statements.pdf (


Tom Hayes

Labour’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bournemouth East

Website:  | Facebook: tomhayes4BE

15-03-2024 20:13 S:

RUI Documents

Good evening, 

I know I have sent an email to you containing the released under investigation documents, but I would also like to send a physical copy.

Which address would these be best to send this to?

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams

15-03-2024 20:45 R:

Re: RUI Documents

Good evening,

Thank you for the message. I have access to a printer and can print the documents I need.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

17-03-2024 R:

Cc: “Allen, Ian” <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Good morning. 

I have posted the questions and doubts I have regarding my case on my website. I would be grateful for answers to them.

Dorset Police and Officer in Charge Rose Pratt illegally evicted a tenant from his home and drove Phones Rescue out of business.

Bankruptcy Phones Rescue Due To Incompetence Of Bournemouth Police, CPS, And Bournemouth Crown Court

NHS Nurse From Poole Hospital, Domestic Violence, False Testimony, And Lies In Court

By the way, for the phrase ‘Rose Pratt Dorset Police’ my articles already occupy the top two positions in Google search, and I haven’t even begun to fight with you for my good name. You can believe me, you will be famous for years. I’m just not sure if that’s exactly the kind of fame you were aiming for.

Rose Partt Dorset Police – Google Search


Andrzej Majewski

Owner of Phones Rescue

Father of three wonderful daughters


Documents related to the case:

applications.pdf (

police.pdf (

statements.pdf (

19-03-2024 R:


Re: Dorset Police complaint CO/1435/23

Good morning.
I am contacting you because I believe that three policewomen from Dorset Police have not properly fulfilled their duties. According to the government website: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims’ Code) victims of crimes are entitled to support from the police and other government agencies. 

Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims’ Code) – GOV.UK (

Firstly, I would like to clarify that according to the above-mentioned website, a victim is:

“a person who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm or economic loss which was directly caused by a criminal offence.”

According to the facts presented in my articles published on my website:
Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (
there is absolutely no doubt that I am a victim of domestic violence, both physical and mental. The police have acknowledged the guilt of my ex-partner, my statements, body damage photos, and contact details of witnesses. Despite this, Dorset Police not only did not provide me with any assistance but also tried to make everything difficult for me: my bail was extended for over 9 months, I was not provided with the information I repeatedly asked for, my emails and complaints were ignored, and I was discriminated against based on gender.

Before I publish an article on this matter and file an official complaint, I would like to give the policewomen involved in this case a chance to explain why Dorset Police did not provide me with the care and support guaranteed by law.

I reported three times that I am a victim of domestic violence:

1. Officer Rose Pratt in an interview on June 25, 2023.
2. By phone on 09/07/2023. I spoke with a policewoman, but I was completely ignored.
3. Online to Emma Chubb.

The charges I have against Dorset Police:
Police officers from Dorset Police violated several points of the Victim’s Code:

1. To have the details of the crime recorded without unjustified delay.
English is not my first language. When on 09/07/2023 I went to the police station to report an assault on me, the officer at the office didn’t want to talk to me at all or take my report. She told me to call the number 101. I didn’t have access to a phone at that time because my partner illegally disconnected my mobile phone number, which was only unblocked after a judge’s intervention after the first hearing in court. I had to use a yellow police phone. Neither after reporting by phone nor after reporting online did any police officer want to meet me personally to take my report. Since then, 9 months have passed. For 9 months, I have received no information about the progress of my phone report, and after the online report, I received one phone call and one email from Emma Chubb on November 11, 2023.

2. To be provided with information when reporting the crime.
In none of these three cases when I reported to the policewomen an attack on me, did I receive the required written documents regarding my reports. I did not receive the right to written confirmation of my allegations, a crime reference number, and in the case of the first two reports, I also did not receive information about who would handle my case. The police did not inform me where I could get further information about the criminal proceedings, or what rights I have as a victim of crime. The police did not provide me with information about restorative justice.

3. To be referred to services that support victims and have services and support tailored to your needs.
The police did not provide me with information on where I can get support as a victim of domestic violence.

4. To be provided with information about the investigation and prosecution.
For 9 months from the first notification to Officer Rose Pratt that I am a victim of domestic violence, I practically receive no information about the investigation, and many of my questions, emails, and doubts are ignored by officers from Dorset Police.

5. To make a complaint about your Rights not being met.
Detective Inspector 2752 Ian ALLEN, who was assigned to handle my complaints against Dorset Police since January 16, 2024, ignores my emails. This violates my right to complain against the Police.

Please explain why, as a victim of domestic violence, I was not provided with the necessary support guaranteed by the Victim’s Code.Sincerely,
Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

23-03-2024 S: submission-7560487-162723-23-03-2024

IOPC Complaints – New Submission

Dear Andrzej Majewski,

Thank you for making a submission via the Independent Office for Police Conduct Secure Form.

A copy of your form is attached to this email. Your complaint has been submitted to the Dorset Police and you should be contacted by them as soon as possible. We do not have any involvement at this stage and are not able to provide updates. If you have not heard from the police force in a timely manner, usually within three weeks, we would advise you to contact them by calling 101 or emailing them directly using the details listed below.

Dorset Police
Professional Standards
​Email: complaints&
Tel: 01202 223808

23-03-2026 S: COM-16436-24-5500-00

Your recent submission

Thank you for completing the form, your reference is: COM-16436-24-5500-00.

We’re sorry you had to make a complaint.

We take this very seriously. We’ll review your complaint and aim to respond within 28 working days.

Thank you.

26-03-2024 S:


Dear Mr Majewski

Please see attached letter concerning your complaint.


Complaints & Misconduct Unit

31-03-2024 R:


Good afternoon.

My complaint pertains precisely to the ongoing investigation and its conduct. Therefore, please respond to my question:

Does the fact that an investigation is being conducted authorize Officer Rose Pratt and Dorset Police to discriminate against me based on gender and to disregard the Victims’ Code, despite compelling evidence that I am a victim of crime and domestic violence?

Kind Regards

Andrzej Majewski

Why Does Officer Rose Pratt From Dorset Police Not Respect The Victims’ Code And Violate The Standards Of Professional Conduct For Police Officers? (

31-03-2024 R:

Dorset Police and gender discrimination, failure to adhere to the Victim’s Code.

I am reaching out to you for help because I believe that Dorset Police is abusing its power and breaking the law, ruining my life and driving my business to ruin. For the past 9 months, I have been fighting for my rights, yet throughout this time, I have been ignored and disregarded by Dorset Police. I kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the articles I have published to document the irregularities in the work of Dorset Police.

Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (


Andrzej Majewski

Owner of Phones Rescue

Father of three wonderful daughters

Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (

Documents related to the case:

applications.pdf (

police.pdf (

statements.pdf (

08-04-2024 12:22 S:

re complaint CO/001435/23

Dear Mr Majewski,

Please find the attached letter for your attention.

Best wishes,

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

08-04-2024 17:37 S:

RE: Dorset Police and gender discrimination, failure to adhere to the Victim’s Code.

Dear Andrzej,

Thank you for contacting the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman investigates complaints about legal service providers based in England and Wales. We are therefore not able to assist you with your complaint below the police This means we are unable to assist you on this occasion.

If you believe the issues raised in your previous email regarding the police amount to misconduct you can contact the Independent Office for Police Conduct: Submit a complaint | Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)

General Enquiries Team
Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333

Visit our website to find out how we use your personal data

From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2024 12:24 PM
To: Enquiries <>
Subject: Dorset Police and gender discrimination, failure to adhere to the Victim’s Code.

I am reaching out to you for help because I believe that Dorset Police is abusing its power and breaking the law, ruining my life and driving my business to ruin. For the past 9 months, I have been fighting for my rights, yet throughout this time, I have been ignored and disregarded by Dorset Police. I kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the articles I have published to document the irregularities in the work of Dorset Police.

Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (


Andrzej Majewski

16-04-2024 R:


Re: re complaint CO/001435/23

Good morning:

I have some additional doubts regarding the investigation conducted by Dorset Police in my case.

1. On the 15th of April 2024, at the Bournemouth Family Court before District Judge Michael Veal, the applicant testified under oath – and confirmed several times – that Officer #0107 Ryan Greenwell’s report is a lie:

[…] She said that 5 minutes after Police left the suspect sat in the garden just looking into the property. Then, whilst she was having a bath (son?) told her that the suspect was back inside the property. […]

police.pdf ( Page 27 and 28 D.35 and D.36

It follows that either the applicant lied in court under oath, or – which is also very likely – another officer of the Dorset Police is writing lies in police reports in an investigation that could have very serious consequences for the accused. Please present indisputable evidence of the truthfulness of the report written by Officer Greenwell.

2. Please provide a justification as to why, 9 months after the investigation began, even after all allegations against me were dismissed by District Judge Michael Veal on April 15, 2024, I am still Released under investigation?

Andrzej Majewski
Owner of Phones Rescue
Father of three wonderful daughters

Series Of Articles On The Incompetence Of Dorset Police, Crown Prosecution Service, And Bournemouth Crown Court (

Documents related to the case:

applications.pdf (

police.pdf (

statements.pdf (

12-06-2024 S: Confirmation of Lack of Evidence

13-06-2024 R:


Re: Police Incident – NFA

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the message. 

1. Please let me know the status of my allegations against my ex-partner regarding assault and both physical and psychological domestic violence. 

2. I would also like a response on the current stage of my complaints against Officer Rose Pratt and Dorset Police.

3. I wish to retrieve my belongings from my ex-partner’s house. Therefore, I request a police escort, as I fear for my life and health. I would like to collect my property between June 21 and 30. Please let me know when I could receive the appropriate escort.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On 12/06/2024 11:16, PRATT Rose 0105 wrote:

Good morning Mr Majewski, 

This is an email to make you aware that I have received a decision from the CPS this morning that this incident is no longer being investigated, based on a lack of evidence.

I have attached a copy of the letter, and also CC’d in your legal representative.

There will be no more police involvement regarding this.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE (when complete) Page 1 of 1

OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE (when complete) NFA/1

Dorset Police
Force Headquarters

Notification of No Further Action (NFA) – Inc. Section 37B(5) PACE 1984
I refer to the offences for which you were suspected of having committed, namely:
Offence(s): (1) Assault by beating 24/06/2023 (2) Intentional strangulation 24/06/2023
Police Station:
Section/Sector: CB, Beat: CBAA, Ward: E05002115) )
Custody or VA No (if applicable): C23004115
The Crown Prosecution Service has decided that no further action will be taken at this time in respect of the
offences. After consideration of the evidence and other information that is currently available the decision was that:
There is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction currently, but the case will
be kept under review since further evidence may become available in the future, as a result of
which a decision to charge may be made.
Although there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction, a prosecution is
not needed in the public interest. You should note that the police may contact you further to inform
you that your name will be retained on their records as being responsible for committing the
Should further evidence or information become available in relation to this matter(s), the Police reserve the right to
review this decision and take appropriate action which may involve re-arresting you for the offence or steps being
taken to commence court proceedings.
A decision not to charge may be reconsidered if a review of the decision indicates that it was clearly wrong and should
not be allowed to stand. The fact that no further action is being taken at this time does not prevent an aggrieved party
pursuing criminal proceedings or civil remedy.
This notice only applies to the offence(s) specified above. If you are currently on bail to return to the police station in
respect of these offence(s) it will not be necessary for you to return, it is important to note that any bail conditions
imposed in relation to any other offences will still apply.
Yours sincerely,
Detective Sergeant 2350 ALSFORD
(Reviewing Officer)

17-06-2024 09:59 S:

Re complaint CO/01435/23

Dear Mr Majewski,

Please find the attached letter for your attention.

Best wishes,

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 7:11 PM
To: PRATT Rose 0105 <>; .PCC <>;; .Complaints & Misconduct <>; ALLEN Ian 2752 <>; BCPPerformance <>
Subject: Re: Police Incident – NFA

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the message. 

1. Please let me know the status of my allegations against my ex-partner regarding assault and both physical and psychological domestic violence. 

2. I would also like a response on the current stage of my complaints against Officer Rose Pratt and Dorset Police.

3. I wish to retrieve my belongings from my ex-partner’s house. Therefore, I request a police escort, as I fear for my life and health. I would like to collect my property between June 21 and 30. Please let me know when I could receive the appropriate escort.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On 12/06/2024 11:16, PRATT Rose 0105 wrote:

Good morning Mr Majewski, 

This is an email to make you aware that I have received a decision from the CPS this morning that this incident is no longer being investigated, based on a lack of evidence.

I have attached a copy of the letter, and also CC’d in your legal representative.

There will be no more police involvement regarding this.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE (when complete) Page 1 of 1

OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE (when complete) NFA/1

Dorset Police
Force Headquarters

Notification of No Further Action (NFA) – Inc. Section 37B(5) PACE 1984
I refer to the offences for which you were suspected of having committed, namely:
Offence(s): (1) Assault by beating 24/06/2023 (2) Intentional strangulation 24/06/2023
Police Station:
Section/Sector: CB, Beat: CBAA, Ward: E05002115) )
Custody or VA No (if applicable): C23004115
The Crown Prosecution Service has decided that no further action will be taken at this time in respect of the
offences. After consideration of the evidence and other information that is currently available the decision was that:
There is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction currently, but the case will
be kept under review since further evidence may become available in the future, as a result of
which a decision to charge may be made.
Although there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction, a prosecution is
not needed in the public interest. You should note that the police may contact you further to inform
you that your name will be retained on their records as being responsible for committing the
Should further evidence or information become available in relation to this matter(s), the Police reserve the right to
review this decision and take appropriate action which may involve re-arresting you for the offence or steps being
taken to commence court proceedings.
A decision not to charge may be reconsidered if a review of the decision indicates that it was clearly wrong and should
not be allowed to stand. The fact that no further action is being taken at this time does not prevent an aggrieved party
pursuing criminal proceedings or civil remedy.
This notice only applies to the offence(s) specified above. If you are currently on bail to return to the police station in
respect of these offence(s) it will not be necessary for you to return, it is important to note that any bail conditions
imposed in relation to any other offences will still apply.
Yours sincerely,
Detective Sergeant 2350 ALSFORD
(Reviewing Officer)

17-06-2024 10:28 S:
F170733 ERef:00126600082

Legal Ombudsman File Reference:  F170733 ERef:00126600082

File Reference: F170733 

Dear Mr  Majewski,

Your complaint about Dorset Police / Redstone Solicitors

Thank you for contacting the Legal Ombudsman

For clarity before we can advise further please can you advise if your complaint is about Dorset Police or Redstone solicitors.

The Legal Ombudsman investigates complaints about legal service providers based in England and Wales. If your complaint is regarding the Police please contact the IOPC as we believe they are the appropriate organisation to assist you.  We suggest doing a search on the internet for their up to date contact details.  

We are the Independent Office for Police Conduct | Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)

If you could provide this information by email within 7 days of the date of this email. Please let us know if this isn’t possible.

 If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not wish to continue with your complaint and will close our file. 
We will not try to contact you again.

Thank you for contacting the Legal Ombudsman. 

Kind Regards
General Enquiries Team
Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
Visit our website to find out how we use your personal data

Kind Regards 
General Enquiries Team
Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333

20-06-2024 R:


Re: Re complaint Police CO/01435/23

Good afternoon

Please review the content of the attached document. I have also sent a copy via Royal Mail.

Kind Regards

Andrzej Majewski

Police Disclosure.pdf

23-06-2024 07:57 S:

FW: Police Incident – NFA

Good morning,

I have had an email to make contact with you regarding your case.

Can I please refer you to my last email which included the document stating this was no further police action.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

From: PRATT Rose 0105
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:16 AM
To: Andrzej Majewski <>; Andrzej Majewski <>; ANDRE@PHONESRESCUE.CO.UK
Cc: Luke Naveira <>
Subject: Police Incident – NFA

Good morning Mr Majewski, 

This is an email to make you aware that I have received a decision from the CPS this morning that this incident is no longer being investigated, based on a lack of evidence.

I have attached a copy of the letter, and also CC’d in your legal representative.

There will be no more police involvement regarding this.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

23-06-2024 08:21 R:


Good morning.

I did not ask for contact regarding my case. I requested contact to:

1. Find out what Dorset Police is doing about my reports, which I filed in July 2023: occ 55230099012, and occ 55230106821. According to the Victims Code, the police are obliged to inform victims of any progress in their case. It has been almost a year since these crimes were reported, and Dorset Police has not informed me of any progress. This violates my rights as a victim of domestic violence and assault. I will be forced to file another complaint regarding the violation of the law by Dorset Police officers if I do not receive any feedback on this matter by 10AM today.

2. I need to retrieve my belongings from the house from which I was illegally evicted by Dorset Police. As a victim of domestic violence and assault, I fear for my health and life. Therefore, I am requesting a police escort to ensure I can safely collect my belongings.

Andrzej Majewski

23-06-2024 13:25 S:

RE: FW: Police Incident – NFA

Cc: BRADFORD Christopher 0318 <>, ALSFORD

 Tom 2350 <>

Good afternoon,

As per your points below:

  1. The incident that was being investigated by myself since last July, although you may disagree with this, your involvement was recorded as a suspect as opposed to a victim. Therefore, we are not obliged to follow Victims Code in the duration of the investigation, which has now concluded and been closed.
  2. You are entitled for your belongings to be collected from the address. However, as there is no ongoing investigation, or bail conditions, there would be no police involvement in the collection of these items. I have been informed by Malgorzata that she has made you aware that you have until the 30th June for the items to be collected, by either a friend of yours or by a removal company, this would not be for the police to deal with.

I believe the above concludes the outstanding matters between you and the Police and as such, I do not expect to hear from you again.

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:19 AM
To: PRATT Rose 0105 <>; .PCC <>;; .Complaints & Misconduct <>; ALLEN Ian 2752 <>; BCPPerformance <>;
Subject: Re: FW: Police Incident – NFA

Good morning.

I did not ask for contact regarding my case. I requested contact to: 

1. Find out what Dorset Police is doing about my reports, which I filed in July 2023: occ 55230099012, and occ 55230106821. According to the Victims Code, the police are obliged to inform victims of any progress in their case. It has been almost a year since these crimes were reported, and Dorset Police has not informed me of any progress. This violates my rights as a victim of domestic violence and assault. I will be forced to file another complaint regarding the violation of the law by Dorset Police officers if I do not receive any feedback on this matter by 10AM today.

2. I need to retrieve my belongings from the house from which I was illegally evicted by Dorset Police. As a victim of domestic violence and assault, I fear for my health and life. Therefore, I am requesting a police escort to ensure I can safely collect my belongings.

Andrzej Majewski

On 23/06/2024 07:57, PRATT Rose 0105 wrote:

Good morning,

I have had an email to make contact with you regarding your case.

Can I please refer you to my last email which included the document stating this was no further police action.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

From: PRATT Rose 0105
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:16 AM
To: Andrzej Majewski <>; Andrzej Majewski <>ANDRE@PHONESRESCUE.CO.UK
Cc: Luke Naveira <>
Subject: Police Incident – NFA

Good morning Mr Majewski, 

This is an email to make you aware that I have received a decision from the CPS this morning that this incident is no longer being investigated, based on a lack of evidence.

I have attached a copy of the letter, and also CC’d in your legal representative.

There will be no more police involvement regarding this.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

Good morning Mr Majewski, 

This is an email to make you aware that I have received a decision from the CPS this morning that this incident is no longer being investigated, based on a lack of evidence.

I have attached a copy of the letter, and also CC’d in your legal representative.

There will be no more police involvement regarding this.

Many thanks,

Rose Pratt 0105 Police Constable Email: / MS Teams  

Dorset Police, Bournemouth Police Station, Madeira Road.

24-06-2024 S:

24-06-2024 S: COM-35093-24-5500-00

Your recent submission

Thank you for completing the form, your reference is: COM-35093-24-5500-00.

We’re sorry you had to make a complaint.

We take this very seriously. We’ll review your complaint and aim to respond within 28 working days.

Thank you.

24-06-2024 S: COM-35070-24-5500-00

Your recent submission

Thank you for completing the form, your reference is: COM-35070-24-5500-00.

We’re sorry you had to make a complaint.

We take this very seriously. We’ll review your complaint and aim to respond within 28 working days.

Thank you.

24-06-2024 S:


   Title:    Mr
   First name:    Andrzej
   Middle name(s):    not given
   Surname:    Majewski
   We’ll need to write to you about your complaint – please enter your postcode:
   Origin:    Form
   Please select all ways you are happy for us to contact you – the more contact details you can give us the better:    By email, By phone

   Have you told us about this before?:    No
   Do any of these describe what happened? Please select the option that most closely matches your complaint.:    No contact from the police/not being updated
   Please tell us what happened eg what was said or done, who was involved, if there was any damage or injury. (You have approximately 2,500 characters.):    On June 24, 2024, I contacted Dorset Police to find out the status of my police reports: occ 55230099012, occ 55230106821. As a victim of domestic violence and assault, I demand information on the current stage of these investigations. If they have been closed, I request information on when they were closed and who authorized this decision.
The officer #7213 I spoke with was very rude and did not provide me with any information that is due to crime victims.
   Is this complaint about something that happened on one day or over many days?:    Yes – it happened on one day
   Date of incident (DD/MM/YYYY):    24/06/2024
   Start time of incident (HH:MM) (If you don’t know the exact time then give us an approximate):    20:41
   End time of incident (HH:MM):    20:50
   Where did it happen?:    not given
   Are there any reference numbers to do with this complaint?:    not given
   Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about what happened or about yourself that you think we need to know? (You have approximately 800 characters.):    not given

   Are you complaining about an officer or someone who works for the police?:    Yes

   PERSON 1:
   Rank (if an officer):    not given
   Shoulder or collar number (if an officer):    7213
   First name:    not given
   Surname:    not given
   Do you know where this person works?:    not given

   Are there any witnesses to what happened  that you’d like to tell us about?:    No

   Please select one outcome.:    individuals involved to face disciplinary procedures

   Please tell us your age.:    44
   Do you consider yourself to have a disability?:    Prefer not to say
   What is your ethnic group?:    Prefer not to say
   Which best describes your gender?:    Prefer not to say
   Is your gender now different from when you were born?:    Prefer not to say
   What is your sexual orientation?:    Prefer not to say
   What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status?:    Prefer not to say
   Tell us about any paternity/maternity leave. Are you::    Prefer not to say
   Do you follow a religion or belief?:    Prefer not to say

   Please tick to confirm that the information you’ve given us in this form is accurate to the best of your knowledge.:    checked

26-06-2024 S:

Subject: re complaint CO/001435/23

Dear Mr Majewski,

Please find the attached letter for your attention.

Best wishes,

Complaints and Misconduct

Professional Standards Department

Dorset Police, Force Headquarters, Winfrith Newburgh, DT2 8DZ

26-07-2024 S:

Subject: FWD email


I have just tried calling and left a voicemail on the mobile number I have for you. I am getting in contact to arrange a time when you will be available so that I can take some further information regarding your reports to DORSET POLICE and progress the investigation.

If you would be able to get back to me with your availability it would be much appreciated. I can be contacted directly on this email address ( or if you call 101 and ask for officer 904 they will get a message to me.

Going forward I am next on shift on days from next week WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY to FRIDAY 2 AUGUST between 0700 and 1600 hrs. I am currently unavailable in the morning of FRIDAY 2nd however able to do the afternoon. 

If you could let me know if any of these dates are suitable and what time it would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



31-07-2024 S:

RE: FWD email

Good morning, 

Thank you for getting back to me. If I can suggest Friday afternoon to meet and get full details of what has been happening? Would you like to come to the station or would you like me to come to your home address? 

Kind Regards,



From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 1:18 PM
To: LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <>
Subject: Re: FWD email

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the message. From Monday to Thursday, I work between 7 AM and 5 PM. On Friday, I am available all day.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On Fri, 26 Jul 2024 at 13:29, SKIDMORE Alex 1004 <> wrote:


I have just tried calling and left a voicemail on the mobile number I have for you. I am getting in contact to arrange a time when you will be available so that I can take some further information regarding your reports to DORSET POLICE and progress the investigation. 

If you would be able to get back to me with your availability it would be much appreciated. I can be contacted directly on this email address ( or if you call 101 and ask for officer 904 they will get a message to me. 

Going forward I am next on shift on days from next week WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY to FRIDAY 2 AUGUST between 0700 and 1600 hrs. I am currently unavailable in the morning of FRIDAY 2nd however able to do the afternoon. 

If you could let me know if any of these dates are suitable and what time it would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



01-08-2024 S:

Subject: RE: FWD email

Brilliant, thanks for confirming. If I could ask you to bring any photographs you have as evidence of the assault or medical documents it would be massively helpful.

Kind Regards,


From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2024 10:19 AM
To: LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <>
Subject: Re: FWD email

Great. See you tomorrow then.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On Thu, 1 Aug 2024 at 09:49, LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <> wrote:

If we say 1400 at WINTON POLICE STATION. There is a yellow phone outside on the wall, if you call through on that when you arrive I will come and meet you. 



From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 5:45:13 PM

To: LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <>
Subject: Re: FWD email

Good afternoon,

I would prefer to come to the police station. Just please tell me which station and what time on Friday.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On Wed, 31 Jul 2024 at 10:29, LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <> wrote:

Good morning, 

Thank you for getting back to me. If I can suggest Friday afternoon to meet and get full details of what has been happening? Would you like to come to the station or would you like me to come to your home address?

Kind Regards,



From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 1:18 PM
To: LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <>
Subject: Re: FWD email

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the message. From Monday to Thursday, I work between 7 AM and 5 PM. On Friday, I am available all day.

Kind regards

Andrzej Majewski

On Fri, 26 Jul 2024 at 13:29, SKIDMORE Alex 1004 <> wrote:


I have just tried calling and left a voicemail on the mobile number I have for you. I am getting in contact to arrange a time when you will be available so that I can take some further information regarding your reports to DORSET POLICE and progress the investigation.

If you would be able to get back to me with your availability it would be much appreciated. I can be contacted directly on this email address ( or if you call 101 and ask for officer 904 they will get a message to me. 

Going forward I am next on shift on days from next week WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY to FRIDAY 2 AUGUST between 0700 and 1600 hrs. I am currently unavailable in the morning of FRIDAY 2nd however able to do the afternoon. 

If you could let me know if any of these dates are suitable and what time it would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



03-08-2024 R:

Andrzej Majewski vs XXXXXXXXXXXXX List of accusations

Good Morning.Thank you for yesterday’s meeting and for listening to me. Instead of rewriting the list of all my grievances against my ex-partner here, I have decided to update the article on my website. I have added some new information there. Please review the article at:
NHS Nurse From Poole Hospital, Domestic Violence, False Testimony, And Lies In Court (

Article about assault:
Bankruptcy Phones Rescue Due To Incompetence Of Bournemouth Police, CPS, And Bournemouth Crown Court (

The article contains a detailed description of all the allegations along with the evidence:

  • 1. Domestic violence, controlling behaviour 
  • 2. Assault 
  • 3. Monitoring through online communication tools or the use of spyware even after the end of our relationship 
  • 4. Repeated humiliation 
  • 5. Threatening to hurt 
  • 6. Intimidation, blocking access to the house 
  • 7. Threatening to damage my property 
  • 8. Preventing me from accessing transportation to work 
  • 9. Tracking my location 
  • 10. Harassment 
  • 11. Stalking 
  • 12. Perverting the course of justice 
  • 13. Wasting police time 
  • 14. Drinking alcohol at work in hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly. 
  • 15. Embezzlement of funds from the NHS. 
  • 16. Perjury

Regarding the items that have not been returned to me by my ex:


2. School certificate

3. iPhone 12 Pro Max IMEI 356729118444805 356729118898596

4. Apple Watch Series 6 GPS, 44mm Silver Aluminium Case with Deep Navy Solo Loop – Size 12 Serial number H4HDM0J6Q1RN

5. Apple Watch Series 7 (GPS, 41mm) – Starlight Aluminium Case with Starlight Sport Band Serial Number SNGXLJ9W2LT

6. Mower charger Bosch AL 3640 & Bosch AL1829 Cv Chargers


Andrzej Majewski

08-08-2024 S:

RE: Andrzej Majewski vs XXXXXXXXXX. Inconsistencies in the testimonies


Just to confirm I have received the emails. Thank you for supplying the documents. I will endeavour to collate the information and be in contact regarding actions going forward. Due  working night shifts this week it may be next week that I am back in contact. 

Kind Regards,



From: Andrzej Majewski <>
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2024 10:52 AM
To: LAMBERT Matthew 0904 <>
Subject: Andrzej Majewski vs XXXXXXXXXXXX. Inconsistencies in the testimonies

Good morning. 

I forgot to attach the document confirming the lies and inconsistencies in my ex-partner’s testimonies to my previous email. I am attaching it to this email. 

The police reports and statements referred to in this document can be viewed at:

statements.pdf (


Andrzej Majewski

11-08-2024 S:

Related to.


Good morning, Mr Majewski.

My name is Gemma, I am one of the supervisors in the control room, and I have looked at this complaint from the control room aspect – which means I will be dealing with the report that the named call taker was rude with you and did not provide you with any information. The complaint towards the control room is “The officer #7213 I spoke with was very rude and did not provide me with any information that is due to crime victims.”

I have listened to the recording of the phone conversation between yourself and 7213. I can see that the call started off abrupt from the offset, with both yourself and #7213 both talking over each other and having raised voices. The first sentence used on this recording was from yourself, asking the call handler for his name and collar number as you did not trust him or the police. You shouted a few times “give me your full name”.

The reason for your call to Dorset Police on that day was to obtain an update on an existing incident. In which the call handler had told you that you had spoken with an officer the day previous and issued the update that this incident was now closed. I heard you were getting quite frustrated on the phone that this was closed and demanded to know why. Unfortunately, colleagues in the control room are not police officers, and are not equipped to explain why an incident has been closed or resulted. #7213 is a triage member of staff and does not have full access to the systems that an officer would, hence not being able to update you further. I can hear that the call handler stated several times that he understood your frustration, however I do agree that the tone and wording from this call taker could have been better practiced and they could have explained why he couldn’t update you at the time of the call. Initially in these circumstances where a victim requires an update on the ongoing investigation, a task would be sent across to the officer dealing (or their supervisor if they are off duty) to contact you and update you or explain any concerns.

I have looked at the incident in question and can see an officer has contacted you since this complaint.

I note that you have written “WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAPPEN? individuals involved to face disciplinary procedures”. In this circumstance, disciplinary procedures are not required nor are they suitable. I will however discuss with the call taker that this situation should have been handled differently, and that they will be undergoing a training period in September.

Please consider this email as confirmation that this complaint has now been dealt with, and the record will be closed.

Gemma (7347) Supervisor/T Tel: 101       Online:
Contact Management | Force Command Centre Dorset Police, Winfrith Headquarters, DT2 8DZ

19-08-2024 R:

Andrzej Majewski vs XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Good evening,

I would like to find out if there has been any progress in recovering my passport and other belongings. Has anyone from Dorset Police spoken with my ex-partner? If so, I would like to request the collar number of the officer who spoke with my ex about this matter and the date of that meeting. I would also like to request information on the current status of the investigation against my ex regarding assault, domestic violence, and other allegations I have made against her. I would also like information on who at Dorset Police is handling my complaints, which I submitted against Dorset Police and posted on my website, as it has been several months since my complaints were lodged.

The list of my allegations against Dorset Police:

1. Dorset Police And Officer In Charge Rose Pratt Illegally Evicted A Tenant From His Home And Drove Phones Rescue Out Of Business. (

2. Why Does Officer Rose Pratt From Dorset Police Not Respect The Victims’ Code And Violate The Standards Of Professional Conduct For Police Officers? (

Kind Regards

Andrzej Majewski

23-08-2024 09:05 S:

IOPC Complaints – New Submission

Dear Andrzej Majewski,

Thank you for making a submission via the Independent Office for Police Conduct Secure Form.

A copy of your form is attached to this email. Your complaint has been submitted to the Dorset Police and you should be contacted by them as soon as possible. We do not have any involvement at this stage and are not able to provide updates. If you have not heard from the police force in a timely manner, usually within three weeks, we would advise you to contact them by calling 101 or emailing them directly using the details listed below.

Dorset Police
Professional Standards
​Email: complaints&
Tel: 01202 223808

The complaint system confirmation code is: 1753482.Please note, this code is generated by this webform and is simply to confirm your complaint was submitted successfully. It is not the case reference, which will be assigned by the police force, IOPC or other organisation dealing with your complaint.

Kind Regards,

Independent Office for Police Conduct

Due to the reprehensible and illegal actions of Dorset Police, my business has collapsed, and my daughters are suffering from poverty and hardship. I am a victim of domestic violence and assault, yet Dorset Police have treated and continue to treat me like a criminal, while the true criminal, who assaulted, robbed, and for years subjected me to domestic violence, is still being protected by Dorset Police to this day. Here is my list of accusations against Dorset Police: fabricating evidence, lying in official police reports, gender discrimination, failure to comply with the Victim’s Code, causing the bankruptcy of my business, and others published on my websites in articles: and-drove-phones-rescue-out-of-business/ oraz: police-not-respect-the-victims-code-and-violate-the-standards-of-professional-conduct-for-police-officers/ I am asking for help from the IOPC because Dorset Police are ignoring my complaints against them. Since I was illegally evicted from my home and business by Dorset Police on 23-06-2023, I have received no assistance from them, despite having filed many reports about violations of the law and providing substantial evidence that I am a victim of domestic violence. Instead of receiving help, Dorset Police officers have fabricated evidence, writing lies about me in police reports. When I asked Dorset Police many months ago to present evidence of these vile lies, I was ignored. After a year of investigation, on 23- 06-2024, I received a No Further Action notice from Dorset Police due to a lack of evidence against me. However, the real criminal, who committed multiple offenses (Domestic violence, controlling behaviour, Assault, Monitoring through online communication tools or the use of spyware even after the end of our relationship, Repeated humiliation, Threatening to hurt, Intimidation, blocking access to the house, Threatening to damage my property, Preventing me from accessing transportation to work, Tracking my location, Harassment, Stalking, Perverting the course of justice, Wasting police time, Drinking alcohol at work in hospitals and nursing homes for the elderly, Embezzlement of funds from the NHS, Perjury) is still being protected by Officer Rose Pratt and Dorset Police and, to this day, has faced no consequences for their actions. This is my repeated request for help directed to the IOPC. If it is ignored again, I will be forced to publish an article on my websites stating that the IOPC is not fulfilling its duties and is not providing assistance to victims wronged by Dorset Police.

What would you like to happen as a result of your complaint? (Please select all that apply)

The individual officers or staff involved to learn from the incident
Individuals or other organisations involved to be criminally prosecuted
Individuals involved to face disciplinary procedures
Police force or other organisation to apologise/acknowledge something went wrong Explanation from the police force or other organisation

Removal of information from police or other organisation systems Police or other organisations to review policy/procedure
Other (please give details)

I demand the disciplinary dismissal of all officers involved in this case, who have broken the law and violated procedures, as well as compensation for destroying my life and the lives of my daughters, and for driving my company, Phones Rescue, to ruin.

23-08-2024 15:12 S:

IOPC Complaints – New Submission

Dear Andrzej Majewski,

Thank you for making a submission via the Independent Office for Police Conduct Secure Form.

A copy of your form is attached to this email. Your complaint has been submitted to the Dorset Police and you should be contacted by them as soon as possible. We do not have any involvement at this stage and are not able to provide updates. If you have not heard from the police force in a timely manner, usually within three weeks, we would advise you to contact them by calling 101 or emailing them directly using the details listed below.

Dorset Police
Professional Standards
​Email: complaints&
Tel: 01202 223808

The complaint system confirmation code is: 4151948.Please note, this code is generated by this webform and is simply to confirm your complaint was submitted successfully. It is not the case reference, which will be assigned by the police force, IOPC or other organisation dealing with your complaint.

Kind Regards,

Independent Office for Police Conduct

On November 21, 2023, I received an email from Officer Rose Pratt 0105, stating that she had sent a letter via Royal Mail to random individuals at 91D Wimborne Road containing my sensitive information regarding Bail. I am a victim of domestic violence, wrongfully accused, and discriminated against by Dorset Police due to my gender. The letter, sent to the wrong address, contains my full name, date of birth, home address, information that I was arrested and released on bail. Since I never received such a letter, this means that Officer Rose Pratt sent it to the incorrect address, 91D Wimborne Road, instead of my home address. This violates my reputation and adds further stress, which is already immense due to the false accusations against me – on 23-06-2024, I received information from Dorset Police about No Further Actions due to a lack of evidence.

What would you like to happen as a result of your complaint? (Please select all that apply)

The individual officers or staff involved to learn from the incident
Individuals or other organisations involved to be criminally prosecuted
Individuals involved to face disciplinary procedures
Police force or other organisation to apologise/acknowledge something went wrong Explanation from the police force or other organisation

Removal of information from police or other organisation systems Police or other organisations to review policy/procedure
Other (please give details)

I demand the disciplinary dismissal of Officer Rose Pratt from service and compensation from Dorset Police for the harm caused, gender discrimination, and the destruction of my business, Phones Rescue.

23-08-2024 15:45 S:

IOPC Complaints – New Submission

Dear Andrzej Majewski,

Thank you for making a submission via the Independent Office for Police Conduct Secure Form.

A copy of your form is attached to this email. Your complaint has been submitted to the Dorset Police and you should be contacted by them as soon as possible. We do not have any involvement at this stage and are not able to provide updates. If you have not heard from the police force in a timely manner, usually within three weeks, we would advise you to contact them by calling 101 or emailing them directly using the details listed below.

Dorset Police
Professional Standards
​Email: complaints&
Tel: 01202 223808

The complaint system confirmation code is: 1081484.Please note, this code is generated by this webform and is simply to confirm your complaint was submitted successfully. It is not the case reference, which will be assigned by the police force, IOPC or other organisation dealing with your complaint.

Kind Regards,

Independent Office for Police Conduct

On November 11, 2023, PC Emma Chubb #0817 sent me an email stating that they could not initiate an investigation against my ex due to ongoing proceedings against me. However, Inspector Chris Bradford #0318, during a phone conversation on July 21, 2024 about, said that this was a lie and that both investigations—against my ex and against me—should be conducted concurrently.

What would you like to happen as a result of your complaint? (Please select all that apply)

The individual officers or staff involved to learn from the incident
Individuals or other organisations involved to be criminally prosecuted
Individuals involved to face disciplinary procedures
Police force or other organisation to apologise/acknowledge something went wrong Removal of information from police or other organisation systems

Police or other organisations to review policy/procedure Other (please give details)
I demand the disciplinary dismissal of Officer Rose Pratt from service and compensation from Dorset Police for the harm caused, gender discrimination, and the destruction of my business, Phones Rescue.